TNW Belt Fed M1919A6 (Non restricted)

Belts are not magazines

Yes they are, according to the criminal code. I can even quote it for you.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not include any cartridge magazine that

(f) is of the “belt” type consisting of a fabric or metal belt, is not a reproduction and was originally designed or manufactured for the purpose of feeding cartridges into a automatic firearm of a type that was in existence before 1945.
That very, very clearly states the belts as a type of cartridge magazine. End of discussion. I can literally not make it any clearer than that.

Read it here if you don't trust my copy and paste skills:
I saw at a gun show a while ago metal links of .308 and 30-06 in long chains, perhaps greater than 50 rounds. So this is a prohib device then?
I already have one of the M1919A4s, and once you get the bugs worked out of them, they are the most fun you can have in Canada while still wearing pants. The 1919s are ripe for conversion to 8mm swede which was being sold by Marstar for $120 a thousand on belts just a couple years ago. Sadly they are now out, but happily I still had the foresight to buy 30,000 rounds. I have burnt out my 8mm barrel after only 10,000 rounds or so. I recently fired 250 rounds at 100 yds and not one hole was round. It did manage to cut the 2X4 target frame in half however as sideways bullets do a lot more damage than the pointy end.

Whoever buys these guns will not be disappointed.
I can vouch for that, M1919's are great fun! (hard to shoot 'n scoot with, though :D)

Not really !:D
If you sewed two 250's together, you'd be modifying the magazine, which as we all know will cause eleven orphanages to spontaneously burst into flames.

As an aside; Nice guns! Gotta love the non-stop stares when you bring out the .30 calibre family to the range.


I gotta get some thread for my sewing machine!

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