
Reserve a gun?

If you can reserve one here i would take one too! Otherwise Guess I'll just have to keep watching =)
Let him get the container back to Canada and see what he has people... Do you really want to put a down payment on a gun that not even John has seen yet? Last I heard the container would be here in 7-10 days and that was 3 days ago. Must practice patience young grasshopers. You'll have your Chinese knock offs soon enough...
Weird. You'd think an order would include them and Norc would box them up and send them. Are we really at the mercy of those foreigners who may, or may not, fill the order?

Wait time thus far - two years, three months.
Weird. You'd think an order would include them and Norc would box them up and send them. Are we really at the mercy of those foreigners who may, or may not, fill the order?

We are at the mercy of any manufacturer, foreign or domestic, when items are on back order. Obviously their products are in high demand, the NP29 more than the NP28. They ship what they can. Would you rather they hold everything until the order is complete before they ship it. It might be four years before they get everything together.
I would respectfully suggest you may not have noticed them when they were in stock....
We DID have some earlier this year, not many (less than 200) but we did get a few....

I would respectfully suggest you may not have noticed them when they were in stock....
We DID have some earlier this year, not many (less than 200) but we did get a few....
I respectfully wasn't referring to the ones that were in-stock this spring, i was referring to the ones that were hoped to have arrived this fall/winter as per this thread. re post 20 of this thread dated Nov 20, to quote you.
CONFIRMATION AND DOCUMENTS in we should the container on Candian shores in about1 week
Please don't get me wrong as i am not mad that they did not arrive, just disappointed as they are a great value and i would love to have another. the info in my post was just info for all those waiting for their arrival and was the info given to me. i do appreciate all the cool stuff you guys bring in.
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