Islington Sportsmen's Club

Not sure what their policy is right now and I could be wrong but I would look for BARRIE or BORDEN or ORRILIA or shoot in my mother-in -law's basement before try there[/I][/B]
I'd stay far away from Orillia! Lots of fudds and very clique-ish. Oddly hypocritical about "the rules" since if you're one of the "in" crowd, you can bend the rules no problem. If you're on probation, or one of the old guard have taken a dislike to you (for whatever reason) they'll nit pick you to death about "the rules". I had a friend kicked out of the club over piddly BS.[/QUOTE]

Still the problem is I dont know anybody at the Barrie Club to sponsor me 😞

I was a member at Targetsports for 2 years so I know how to behave myself at a range. Most of the ranges are
So far away or require somebody to sponsor you in but I don’t know anybody there, I also don’t get too much free time became of my business so making time to go shoot is difficult.
Right now islington is about a 4-5 year waiting list. Its $750 to join plus 1st year membership fees of $344 which includes OFAH meme era hip. All clubs have some politics but generally it’s a good group of guys. There’s also a club in Orangeville
Right now islington is about a 4-5 year waiting list. Its $750 to join plus 1st year membership fees of $344 which includes OFAH meme era hip. All clubs have some politics but generally it’s a good group of guys. There’s also a club in Orangeville

Thanks for the heads up!!
I’m trying to look up the club in Orangeville but not having any luck. Is there a website? I keep getting a Orangeville sportsmen club but it’s in the US
They are just north of Orangeville and west on Hockley Valley Road. I believe they are also a four or five year waiting list. There is no website as far as I know. Most of these clubs don’t want one so tree hugger and anti-gun groups can’t find them easily
Hi everyone,

There are no phone numbers for this club. Does anyone know how I can join the club or at least the Wait list?
A buddy put me on to Lower Trent Valley Rod & Gun and let me know when the membership applications opened. Both my brother and I joined and there are no superlatives too great to describe my experience with that club. Granted, it's 4 hrs., there and back, traveling time. Being retired, I don't go for an hour or two but pretty much make a day of it. Shoot for a few hours in the morning, go into Frankford for lunch at Dmitri's, go back and shoot for a few more hours, pack it up and head home. Once you've done their safety course, you're in. You are treated as a responsible adult. You have your own entry card, and the first one on a range is the RSO. I haven't run into one Fudd or anyone who wasn't a truly nice person to share a range with. I've no doubt there are some (every club has a few) but I haven't met 'em.
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