Islington Sportsmen's Club

It's just their home made laws and policies of the club that if they don't seems to like you , they will keep postponing the memebership and you have to have someone to get you inside their waiting list and at this point I believe that there are about 40 guys in waiting line and mostly they take about 5 a year and many just find ways to other clubs in the mean time. Not sure what their policy is right now and I could be wrong but I would look for BARRIE or BORDEN or ORRILIA or shoot in my mother-in -law's basement before try there
The membership is capped at 325 - a policy that is debated (it seems) at least annually. Most people who are on the wait list seem to be there for around a year or so.

And yes, to join you need a sponsor.
The membership cap was raised to 400 a couple of years ago, there are about 80 on the waiting list, with 30-40 new members getting in each year. You still need to be sponsored to get in. basically, about two year wait?
I'm a member, It's a great place. You can also fish in the stocked pond, hit the archery range as well as its 3-d course. its at least 5 year wait now as there are 120 on the waiting list and yes you need to be sponsored by an existing member to even get on it. If you know a member you can go as a guest with them and if you want to go regularly you can pay a deposit fee of $500 which is refundable.
I live in Caledon, about 10 min away from the club. Would be nice to be a member there. Anybody here a member that might want to Sponser me ? ;)
Not sure what their policy is right now and I could be wrong but I would look for BARRIE or BORDEN or ORRILIA or shoot in my mother-in -law's basement before try there[/I][/B][/QUOTE]
I'd stay far away from Orillia! Lots of fudds and very clique-ish. Oddly hypocritical about "the rules" since if you're one of the "in" crowd, you can bend the rules no problem. If you're on probation, or one of the old guard have taken a dislike to you (for whatever reason) they'll nit pick you to death about "the rules". I had a friend kicked out of the club over piddly BS.
So basically Let's &uck ourselves over , there are not enough Feds and Provincial rules and regs to do that . My club moved away from this idiocy by changing the BOD . Go to some meetings , state your case , run for election , volunteer , put something into the Club organization other than #####ing and whining ! Might work !
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