Italian M14 update thread anything new as of 2011 now

are we there yet?
Are We There Yet?

Can we stop the car ...
I've gotta go to the bathroom!!

your patience is amazing
Originally Posted by Lazerus2000 View Post
are we there yet?
Are We There Yet?

Can we stop the car ...
I've gotta go to the bathroom!!

your patience is amazing

Stop it right now! I will stop this Car!! One of you move to the front seat right now!!! hahaha
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it would be prudent to have the cash set aside anyway- i have several of these mini-accounts marked for a tavor, an italian m14WITH BAYONET LUG , and others-each gets a certain amount each week,and when the item shows up, i am well able to afford it
The price of the Tavor is known.

Italian M-14s?
Better bug John.........

Save money. Build up an account. Then it will be available for whatever, when the need arises. With the money on hand, you can move quickly.

And just think - instead of interminable M1A vs Norinco threads, there will be interminable M1A vs Norinco vs Italian threads.

And if the Italian rifles are really good, without any of the little quirks that characterize the Norincos & Polys, the value of the Orientals will drop, and the used market will be saturated with low cost rifles.

Should Norincos be sold off now, just in case.......?
The price of the Tavor is known.

Italian M-14s?
Better bug John.........

Save money. Build up an account. Then it will be available for whatever, when the need arises. With the money on hand, you can move quickly.

And just think - instead of interminable M1A vs Norinco threads, there will be interminable M1A vs Norinco vs Italian threads.

And if the Italian rifles are really good, without any of the little quirks that characterize the Norincos & Polys, the value of the Orientals will drop, and the used market will be saturated with low cost rifles.

Should Norincos be sold off now, just in case.......?

Yeah, excellent idea, I have $200 to give someone so they can get rid of that terrible poly ;)
the value of the Orientals will drop, and the used market will be saturated with low cost rifles.

Should Norincos be sold off now, just in case.......?
Yeah, excellent idea, I have $200 to give someone so they can get rid of that terrible poly
Have I got a deal for you!!!
I can beat that pathetic $ 200 offer!!!!
I'll go $225 for any M14 ....
NORC or POLY or Sproingfield or Genuine US GI!

Then I'll try to convince you that you absolutely must take my old beater .303 Lee Enfield as part trade,
and demand that you pay the shipping, BOTH WAYS!
and that you throw in that 5/20 mag you tried to sneak out of the M14 package,
and complain when your M14 gets here because it doesn't index or head space perfectly,
and it looks as if it has been shot at least 100 rds, when you said only 20 rds had been through it.

BTDT too many times,
but I still think the M14 rifles,
of any breed,
can be some of the best VALUES available on the CGN Forum.
of course,
OK,OK, I just received news today that the Italian proof house and the Italian government has issued their respective approvals (only 5 weeks late)....

First pre-production guns should arrive shortly for destructive and other testing here....

the value of the orientals will drop, and the used market will be saturated with low cost rifles.

should norincos be sold off now, just in case.......?
yeah, excellent idea, i have $200 to give someone so they can get rid of that terrible poly
have i got a deal for you!!!
i can beat that pathetic $ 200 offer!!!!
i'll go $225 for any m14 ....
Norc or poly or sproingfield or genuine us gi!

then i'll try to convince you that you absolutely must take my old beater .303 lee enfield as part trade,
and demand that you pay the shipping, both ways!
and that you throw in that 5/20 mag you tried to sneak out of the m14 package,
and complain when your m14 gets here because it doesn't index or head space perfectly,
and it looks as if it has been shot at least 100 rds, when you said only 20 rds had been through it.

Btdt too many times,
but i still think the m14 rifles,
of any breed,
can be some of the best values available on the cgn forum.
Of course,
laz 1

prozac can be a wonderful thing
I THANK EVERYONE for the kind offers but we do have an on site range and will force our staff to do the testing.
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