T97 update, Sticky.

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Why isn't there one on this forum? i am curious about whats going on with the rifles i ordered.

Maybe, just an idea. a update sticky for the T97's on this forum.

Good idea. Ordered mine long ago......
Last I heard from Chris is it could be "years" but wed eventually get them.

Im fearfull that before "years" have gone by theyll be added to the prohibited list, dispite being perfect for coyote hunting down my way.

Nice all-weather rugged gun i can drop in an icy river and still shoot two seconds later without exploding, or have full of dust and still function. Good range, good round for coyotes.

Too bad it looks "evil", im hoping they dont add it to the P list before CA sells them.
Greentips, I vote too.

I have my doubts that voting actually means anything- as Stalin once said its not who casts the votes but who -counts- them, but I vote.

This subject has been beaten to death over and over and over. I can't see how anyone would want to go through this much hassle for a T97.

At this point it's not about the T97. It's about the RCMP feeding their own agenda with a rifle that should be perfectly legal. If we stop fighting on this one, we might as well stop fighting altogether.
At this point it's not about the T97. It's about the RCMP feeding their own agenda with a rifle that should be perfectly legal. If we stop fighting on this one, we might as well stop fighting altogether.

You're 100% correct...but as it stands, threads like this are a little pointless. When something happens, I'm sure it will be posted. I doubt the guys at CanAm have forgotten about all their merchandise collecting dust in a shipping container.
This subject has been beaten to death over and over and over. I can't see how anyone would want to go through this much hassle for a T97.

It's not so much the hassle of owning a particular gun. It's about slapping the RCMP brass hard enough on the wrist to discourage them from getting the odd idea that they can get away with prohibiting firearms by putting them 'under review.'

The RCMP's job is to investigate and prosecute violators of law passed legally by by Parliment and the Senate. It is not their job to creatively interpret laws to suit a political agenda, or to make up law as they go along.
At this point it's not about the T97. It's about the RCMP feeding their own agenda with a rifle that should be perfectly legal. If we stop fighting on this one, we might as well stop fighting altogether.

BINGO! At what point does the T-97 become Semi Auto rifles or shotguns, or whatever the flavor of the day is?? Divide and conquor. Break your opponent down into it's smaller sub groups and take them out 1 by 1. This is an old strategy, but unfortunately an effective one. Now with the demize of the long gun registry, watch out guys! Mini 14's , M305's and CZ 858's (and God knows what else!) could quickly join the 97 if we let our guard down.
Has anybody filed an access to information request concerning this? Something along the lines of ( Information concerning the status for the Norinco type 97 and Norinco type 97a rifles classification )
Honestly instead of, or perhaps in addition to, fighting to keep what we have Id personally like to fight for what we once had- to get it back.

All those guns on the prohibited list that are of the appropriate barrel length to be non restricted, that are semi automatic, and are limited to 5 rounds (or 10 in the case of the .223s) should be legal.

We should be able to coyote hunt with an AR15, or deer hunt with an ak47 (proper ammo of course, imo this would be an ok bush gun akin to an SKS) if they meet the critera for a "non restricted" rifle disrespective of what they LOOK like.

They already banned guns based on -looks- and im not sure if anyone brings those guns up anymore.
Here is what I submitted to the RCMP in their contact form, I suggest you all do the same:

"How would I go about submitting an Access to Information Act request to the RCMP?

This pertains to the RCMP's decision to review the classification of Norinco Type 97 and 97a rifles.

If it would be possible please put me in contact with the person or persons who are responsible for the reclassification review of the Type 97 rifle."


Has anybody asked the CSSA to look into the issue? It seems like this sets a pretty dangerous precedent.
Here is the response I got back:


You can submit your questions regarding firearms directly to the Canada Firearms Program at cfp-pcaf@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Access to Information request forms are currently posted on the Treasury Board web site at http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/350-57-eng.asp.

The RCMP ATIP Branch can only accept request forms delivered by mail (we currently cannot accept your request form electronically or by fax).

To process your request, a $5.00 cheque or money order (payable to the Receiver General for Canada) must accompany each Access to Information request form.

After you have completed all of the necessary steps outlined on the request form, please send the form by mail to:

RCMP ATIP Coordinator
HQ - Nicholson Building
1200 Vanier Parkway
K1A 0R2

Thank you,

I sent this to the Canadian Firearms program of the RCMP: cfp-pcaf@rcmp-grc.gc.ca


This email is regarding the decision of the RCMP to review the
classification (non-restricted, restricted, prohibited) of the Norinco
Type 97 and 97a bullpup semi-automatic rifle. The Norinco Type 97 fits
all of the proper classifications for a non-restricted bullpup
configuration rifle, with proper barrel length and inabilitay to make
it fully automatic. Regardless of this fact the RCMP has seen fit to
seize a shipment of Type 97 rifles purched by the Canadian firearms
distributor "canadaammo.com" and hold without reason citing a review
of the rifle's status.

Please give any information you have on your desicion to review the
status of the Type 97 rifle, as well as an approximate time frame for
a final decision to be reached.

Thank You.

Here is the Access to Information Act page: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/350-57-eng.asp

I suggest you all print one off and send one in to the CFO. It will only cost us $5, but force them to take the administrative time to go out and collect the files and send them back to you. If we all work together we can really turn up the pressure.
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Here is the Access to Information Act page: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/350-57-eng.asp

I suggest you all print one off and send one in to the CFO. It will only cost us $5, but force them to take the administrative time to go out and collect the files and send them back to you. If we all work together we can really turn up the pressure.

What should we ask for if we submit an Access to Information request?

I've never gone through the process, so I'm wondering how they handle them?

If your question is too vague, to you get nothing back? Is it a case where they only answer exactly what you ask?
As far as precedents and classification based on looks there is a case that we have actually one in court recently where a mr. Henderson won his case to have the classification changed on a 22 that looked like an ak. He won and this is good news for all of us, except now the rcmp is appealing the decision but seem to have no real grounds to do so. It is just going to take time and money to get through the appeal and then we will have a precedent set in our favor as to classifying guns based on looks alone. This could mean more changes to classifications in our favourn. Basically the issue is going to come to a head and we can possibly start overturning some of the ridiculous classifications that have been made in the past. I can't use the search now from my blackberry but someone please post the thread for R. V. Henderson if you can find it.
If the CFO does not respond to my e-mail within 5 days I am going to send an AtIA for with this in the space for "information being sought":

Information regarding the decision of the RCMP to review the classification (non-restricted, restricted, prohibited) of the Norinco
Type 97 and 97a bullpup semi-automatic rifle. Any information regarding the seizure and holding of a shipment of Norinco Type 97 rifles to the company "canadaammo.com". Any information regarding when the CFO will release the shipment of Norinco Type 97 rifles. If possible an estimated time by which the RCMP CFO will reach a decision regarding the classification of the Type 97 Rifle. Any contact information for personnel responsible for the decision to review the classification of Type 97 Rifles (if possible).

If we all send in requests like this (it only costs $5!) we might be able to light a fire under their asses.
I would like to see if Mr. Canada Ammo (I don't know your name, sorry) condones this before we take a shot at advancing any further and submitting Access to Information Act forms. I would hate to act against his interests in case this screws anything up for him.
I would like to see if Mr. Canada Ammo (I don't know your name, sorry) condones this before we take a shot at advancing any further and submitting Access to Information Act forms. I would hate to act against his interests in case this [YOU] screws anything up for him.

I think that would be a great idea!
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