enfield wood?

This is good news. Maybe I'll be able to make up my Martini/SMLE this year, as I have a NºIII barrel on mine already:


Can't remember where I got this pic now. I think John Sukey here on CGN has a similar one.

:) Stuart
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This is good news. Maybe I'll be able to make up my Martini/SMLE this year, as I have a NºIII barrel on mine already:


Can't remember where I got this pic now. I think John Sukey here on CGN has a similar one.

:) Stuart

wow, and i thought i had a weird and wonderfull frankin-gun. im not sure if that beats me and my train wreck or not???
wow, and i thought i had a weird and wonderfull frankin-gun. im not sure if that beats me and my train wreck or not???

That's no train wreck- just a rather original colouring job on the finish. Do you do a Julie Goloski Special Edition in pink as well? :p

:) Stuart
yea thats a train wreck. its all number 4 wood, outa the reject pile, except for the top front wood, which is #1 wood. shoots very well actually.

oh, and yea, if some of you fellas WANTED a pink one, well sure, i could paint one up for ya

"But I can't help thinking of all the rifles that once inhabited that wood. "

This is NEW wood, never was in any assemblies....

I like that Nos.4 with the Nos.1 MkIII front end. I may even have to rescue a Bubba'd Nos.4 now, and give it a new life.
A typical case of No-4 butt stocks, 90 pieces, case dated 1944

That is Crazy.... 65 years later. Canadian Eyes see them.
Make sure those make it back safe.

What a job. Not sure who or how many people work for you, or if the pay is even any good.
So many of us are stuck in an office and would love to spend time traveling and digging through crates of arms/parts....even for 2-3 months.

You should set-up a mentor program. A few lucky individuals every year get to learn a little about the Biz. Someone has to keep doing this Biz in the coming decades..................
"Not sure who or how many people work for you, or if the pay is even any good."
Well now, lets see there are 10 of us in the building here in Canada.
With regards to pay and compensation, we are one of the highest paying companies in our area....
Typical set up, 2 weeks paid vacation after one year employment, one week paid at Easter, paid time off at Christmas, this year 24 Dec to 4 Jan, in addition to a Christmas bonus....
The employees work 8am to 4pm, 1 hour for lunch (paid)
Sick leave is generous....

"Someone has to keep doing this Biz in the coming decades...."
Never has a truer word been said....However it seems that today people want instant success, instant results, building something like we have took a lot of effort, a lot of risk, a lot of patience, very good nerves help....

I have been thinking of starting up something like a blog or twitter on the history of Marstar.... We shall see....

Thanks for your interest
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