Customer Service.....

I am finished posting on this topic.:yingyang:

I would like to thank the mods/admin for allowing the thoughts in this thread to be expressed and posted without censor. CGN is very fair in allowing members to express their opinions and thoughts despite objections and complaints from others. Thank you for supporting free speech and open discussion. :D

A very dense and subjective approach.

Thanks you too for suporting my opinion and freedom of speech ;)
You talk about to listen your opinion and respect it but you show none of these when i just say that, i agreed with the comment of your *ennemy* because you are angry.
You just could not resist making this constructive comment, when i did not comment on/or about you.

I guess you have too much time to wast checking rifle that you wont buy and bothering people over a forum because you cannot try and talk with the manager face to face to get your problem fixed, probably becauss you know you are wrong but just dont whant to realize it and fear a realistic answer from him.
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Some people don't deserve to become customers and the customer is not always right.

Real people talk to store management and don't call people chubbs behind their backs. Passive aggressive anonymous ranting is pretty weak stuff.

I agree with you 100%.
He just pmed me because of my positive comment toward TSC.. What he said was low. this guy should not have a firearm liscence.. picking at people soo easily.

I guess the guy really like to pick fight at people with no reason.. He should try to get a job instead to use time embarassing people that are busy with life/work.
I understand he whanted to spread hes opinion but, that could be done in one post without sending pathethic pm to argue with other's opinion picking fight with them because they did just the same(posting they opinions). Guess we have to respect hes opinion but in return he cant respect ours.

Really true saying that Some people don't deserve to become customers and the customer is not always right.
I could also say that some people do not deserv a life too.. but apparently he already do not have a life :(
I'm done with the topic mathd! You don't even live in the province, stop prodding me and move on.

Keep me laughting its a saturday i have time the morning ;)

Please can you respect your own says and have the honors to not post on the topic again ;)

A man's comment from who can't respect hes own say is not worthmuch to me, especially if it is just to say s**t.

Maby am not in the province but it do not take much common sense to realize that i have more experience with the matterthat you do, if thats what you whant to have the last word i give it to you.

You should learn to spread your freedom of speach more in control and respect..
What did you expect by posting that on a public forum? its a public forum so that is what people do, just like you. We share our opinions and thoughts despites that your differ from ours. Except we dont start sending pm to pick a fight and keep harrasing you for your comment because they differ from ours.. < i guess that spreading opinion is a right that belong only to you on this PUBLIc forum!

Feel free to post a reply, you make my saturday fun!
Am done with the subject, and you can trust in my word, i will not reply or pm you about the subject(your on my ignorelist anymore anyway) as it is just your opinion and I RESPECT IT. I could not care less actually, you should take this advice and give up(not just saying your done and comming back in pm and posting) instead to try having the last word on everyone. Thats to wonder what was your goal in this topic?, To spread your thought about TSC(wich you successe) or to pick a fight with people who share different thoughts and opinions(seem like you just try to tarnish they rep because you are turned into mad boy)?
Have fun with your life ;)
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You just PM'ed an admin (to complain about me) cause you respect free speech so much and you still keep going on prodding me! In fact your baiting me!

There is absolutely no constructive or worthwhile discussion taking place and the subject of the thread has been taken way off topic!
Ok please can we be mature?
Am gonna say it first if thats to help

I apologize for what i said and for the comment i posted in this topic that did hurt people.( i didnt meant to be prodding you, actually i justmeant to post my thought about TSC"positive or negative", you had to pick at me like you did with other(we can see it as soon as the first page of this topic), so all i did was answering back to your comment on my opinions). Anyawy this is just my opinions, thats it thats all, live with it or be done with it.

The goal of this topic was what? that rupert and other spread they thought and opinion about TSC.
We all reached the goal of the topic, so i dont think we need to pick at each other for having opinions that differ.

Please, respect for one and for all.
Rupert, you looks to be a nice guy i understand and apologize for your experience with TSC(despite that my thought about TSC is positive), best regard and peace.

Sorry for the ruckus! This thread got out of hand and my frustration got the best of me at times. I have nothing against you and this squabble between us got out of hand quickly and without much forethought on my part. My apologies!

The goal of this topic was to have an open and frank discussion about customer service that went downhill quickly with TSC and myself firmly going on the defensive. Perhaps TSC feels the same way? I have had good experiences at TSC and should not have let one bad time and this thread frustrate me leading to such a negative, unproductive discussion.

Ok, now I feel at peace with this and I am ready to let go of this discussion once and for all!:D

I just saw this... Always the last to know...

Dear Rupert: I apologize for the tone. This conversation should have been taken "offline" quickly.

Darren is a firm supporter of his troups as my "Sgt Major" on the ground in Toronto.

If anyone has an issue with Target (or TSE), please feel free to drop me a PM or email.

I don't spend much time leafing through threads, so please don't assume I will see these... I'm more of a baseball over the head kind of guy.


I bought my first handgun from TSE. Sig P226 9mm. I didn't ask many questions and the guys showed me anything I wanted to see (I think 3 Sigs). Went back next day and bought it. My non-gun buddy was with me and they let us fire 5rds each with demo Sig for free. Transfer took only 2-3 days. Thx!
I know that I am new to this site haven only joined a few months ago.
I understand that the issue has long passed.
I don't normally post, but I want to take the time to say this.
When I first went to TSC as a guest, my first few experiences were great. It might of helped that I knew someone who worked there and they invited me. There was one individual who took me out to the range on my third visit who did treat me rudely and threaten to "kick me out" for having my finger on the trigger (which I did not) among various things. All in all he just gave my friend and I a hard time (IMHO) for no reason. This of course was prior to the summer of 2009. Since that day however, I can say that I have joined TSC and that person is no longer there, further I have not had any bad experiences yet. Every person (with the exception of that one individual) I have talked to has taken the time to answer my "newbie" questions. To quantify my questions, imagine the questions a person who never fired held nor fired a gun would ask. Compound that with his first purchase. Finally imagine that customer whose job it is to do research on the financial balance sheets of companies...well you get the idea. While I have to admit I am still new to target practice, TSC has made my learning learning curve a little less steep.
IMHO, while TSC is on the more expensive side in terms on membership cost ( up to 2x) relative to others near the GTA, their customer service adds enough value for my money justify the expense.
In the case of your experience, relative to mine, I would say that it could be a one-off (which I am not excusing), or a misunderstanding. Regardless, I would have to agree with: this should have been taken offline first and a face to face meeting with those involve along with the manger of TSC should have occured before this thread. Since I was not there, nor believe in hearsay, I would humbly suggest that things be taken with a grain of salt and based, for better or worse, right or wrong, from your own ideas based own your own experiences.
Personally, I would invite people I know to try TSC.
Customer Service is an art

Target does a great job, in the face of many unique challenges due to the nature of the gun business. Customers need to take that into consideration before getting frustrated.
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Jeeze... Torontonians, they think they're New York...

Get over yourselves! I'd get pissy too if I worked full time at the local gunstore where 100 people come in a day and want to see and know everything.

Actually, that's not true, I'd jsut start making up stories about how the triggers on the Mossberg plinkster have really been improving since their inception. I don't think I'd make a very good employee!
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