SHOT SHOW 2010 - ISSC MSR MK22 - SCAR 16 look-alike .22 LR

According to ISSC'S web site they have North Sylva Co. in TO listed as Canadian distributor of their stuff. e-mail:
I'll send them off an info request and post back what i hear.
Gunbroker has listings for the 22 pistol but no show on the rifle. US web site says Dec 1 for the MK 22.
It will probably be March or so for these....atleast thats what the distributor told me two weeks ago.

Please, oh please, oh please Mr RCMP Firearms people, please don't prohibit this firearm because it looks scary.

You obviously don't understand Canadian Firearms Laws. The only way this rifle would be prohibited is if it is full auto, or a variant as something that has already been listed as prohibited. Since this is completely new, and can only "LOOSELY" be described as a variant of the SCAR (which itself hasn't been defined as prohibited), it will most likely be non-restricted.

Firearms that have been prohibited based on looks, in .22lr form, are firearms that have been deemed to be variants of the MP5 (prohibited), and the SIG 55x. These were done strictly based on looks. But since the MK22 looks like a SCAR, which itself has not been defined as prohibited, looks will be irrelevant.
I would tend to agree. It looks like a scarry weapon and that will be enough. The dragonov LOOKS like a AK varient but isn't. It was ban. The SAUS 12 looks like a scar varient it was ban. The chineese type 97 has just been ban for looking scarry and being "easilt convertable to full auto" ya well what semi isn't?
It will be ban sooner or later.
I would tend to agree. It looks like a scarry weapon and that will be enough. The dragonov LOOKS like a AK varient but isn't. It was ban. The SAUS 12 looks like a scar varient it was ban. The chineese type 97 has just been ban for looking scarry and being "easilt convertable to full auto" ya well what semi isn't?
It will be ban sooner or later.

In 1998, scary looks would be enough, but that ship has sailed... for now.

Although it looks scary, it doesn't look like any scary rifles on the proscribed list. Therefore, although the CFC/RCMP seem to define things as they see fit, there are limits.

It will be not be prohibited. To all those who disagree, I'd be willing to take any wagers.
hmmm. I was gunna by myself an SR22, but decided to hold off.

Then I have been readign up on the SCAR, but dont really wanna fork out the loot.

SO I think this will be just about right. Can you pre-order anywhere?
In 1998, scary looks would be enough, but that ship has sailed... for now.

Although it looks scary, it doesn't look like any scary rifles on the proscribed list. Therefore, although the CFC/RCMP seem to define things as they see fit, there are limits.

It will be not be prohibited. To all those who disagree, I'd be willing to take any wagers.

What is the Type 97 based on? I still don't have mine because the RCMP shat their collective pants when a bunch of them got into port.

And regardless of what they say, I still don't buy the "easily converted to full auto" BS
What is the Type 97 based on? I still don't have mine because the RCMP shat their collective pants when a bunch of them got into port.

And regardless of what they say, I still don't buy the "easily converted to full auto" BS
Apparently they claim it can be easily converted into full auto, but they will only tell people if the swore in court not to release info into public.

My guess is simply sanding off the dis connector. It works for every guns AFAIK.
People do that in blow-back airsoft guns to change them into full auto. Not the safest I will say for sure.
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