SHOT SHOW 2010 - Beretta ARX-160 new Italian Assualt Rifle at SHOT

US production. Grrrr. This means more US export BS. In otherwords if these do get in it'll be by a third party importing them and the price will be high.
Just like all the new toys at shot show, they get us all fluffed up only to find out it will be years before they are imported into Canada.
I guarantee it will be years before stoeger can imports these.

Don't mean to burst any bubbles hear...its just the way it goes!
I'm not a fan of the way it pukes out smoke and crap in your face out of the non selected ejection port.. I guess that's the 'ambi cost'.


Cover the side you're not using with duct tape. Problem solved.
Cool features but it just looks huge to me something like a HK SL8 so as of now I do not have any interest in this rifle mind you I am really only interested in a rifle I can hunt with like the XCR.
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