Incoming Norincos

Actually with increasing energy/ oil costs, the economics of buying from China will change. When oil went above $100, steel was more economic from local sources then China....
Big changes a coming.

So why would you buy Chinese? Are you just cheap? Or you don't care what's going on in North America?
Originally Posted by shaddp
Its coming from China, you never know what you are getting until the container comes in, I think they just have misc bins and pour an allotted amount in haha.

How do you come to these conclusions, you have read my contracts for 2010 ?
You know what they are producing at the factories ? You have read the delivery schedules ??

I won't have to reply to any other questions since you appear to know more than I do .
"Ya but if you ask Marstar for a Norinco 1887 he tells you they are on order... been on order now for years."

It is not my fault that the factory has NOT made the short barreled version for over 18 months
Re: Incoming Norincos

Just curious to know if there will be rail-less NP22s coming as part of this shipment? The Marstar site only mentions railed versions coming. Am very much interested in getting one.

Thanks for bringing in these great value guns.
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What kind of setup do they use at the Norc factories? Do they do a "batch run" of one particular gun at a time? (It would explain why it takes so long for them to pump out certain examples like the 1887, right?)
Yeah John, like JT says I too was just trying to stir the pot.

Why would you want to Stir the Pot??:bsFlag:

John does incredible things on this forum and for the firearms community in Canada.
I'm sure he appreciates 'Newbies' with 20 posts Whining and Telling him how the Arms Importation Business works and how he should run his business.

Do you think he is some young punk that has been in business 2 years?

Why did you come here to Nag him??

??Why do you think it is fun to 'Stir the Pot' and Aggravate and Annoy an important sponsor of this Forum??

Apologize ...well, that would take a man........

What kind of setup do they use at the Norc factories? Do they do a "batch run" of one particular gun at a time? (It would explain why it takes so long for them to pump out certain examples like the 1887, right?)

This is also a question i would ask, this is what they must do, or are we way off?
Why would you want to Stir the Pot??:bsFlag:

John does incredible things on this forum and for the firearms community in Canada.
I'm sure he appreciates 'Newbies' with 20 posts Whining and Telling him how the Arms Importation Business works and how he should run his business.

Do you think he is some young punk that has been in business 2 years?

Why did you come here to Nag him??

??Why do you think it is fun to 'Stir the Pot' and Aggravate and Annoy an important sponsor of this Forum??

Apologize ...well, that would take a man........

Ummm if you look, I did.

Is the CQ-a M4 rifle the same as the CQB 556 (previously sold by other dealers)?

Can it shoots both 5.56 nato and 223 rem or just 223 rem?
A quick you take preorders on the NP-22 (with rail)? I know when they arrive there is going to be a mad rush...I'd like to order a couple...
A quick you take preorders on the NP-22 (with rail)? I know when they arrive there is going to be a mad rush...I'd like to order a couple...
Correct me if Im wrong but Marstar never took preorder before...

No chance of seeing a "T97 fiasco" at Marstar!!
I wasn't sure if they did or didn't...(hence the question). Thanks for the reply...I can wait and hopefully not miss out. As a side note...I'm waiting in that T97 holdup...lucky for me I'm a later order so they didn't take the money (as the early adopters had happen).
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