KKW .22 Trainer

Gorgeous, kinda hard to see though, very light colored wood, almost white in color, same with the barrel, must be winter camo.
just got one last week,now i have 3 buddies who want them good shooter ,double xtractor ,very nice wood. my old mauser bayonet even clips on. no jammers
All gone!

I like my mine. A lot.

I had to take off some burrs on the bolt and in the receiver with very light filing, bolt is even smoother now.
These rifles use the Chinese copy of the Brno action, stocked up to resemble a Mauser.
Quality control and attention to detail has varied.
Ones that were sold years ago, made for Navy Arms, were very nicely done. Some more recent ones are pretty bad.
"Some more recent ones are pretty bad"
Come on now, just how many from our last shipment did you examine ?????
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If the ones from your last shipment are decent, fine.

As you are well aware, QC and attention to detail does vary from lot to lot.
The standards set by the importer are certainly a factor.
The one I got had a bad rear sight housing. But because they were sold out, I couldn't get a replacement until Dec 2010. Repairing it may or may not work. I decided to keep it and just use it with a scope.

Everything else on it was good though. In terms of finish, it is better than the older JW25 I own. But the older JW25 resembles a K98 more than the newer version.

I haven't shot the new one yet, but the old one is a pretty accurate shooter. I hope the newer one shoots just as well, if not better, than the older one.
I got mine from the latest shippment, It is SUPER, no complaints for quality. For the price I paid at Marstar quality I think is more then exelent
"Some more recent ones are pretty bad"
Come on now, just how many from our last shipment did you examine ?????

The ones from the Lever Arms shipment (the 99 dollar specials) are pretty poorly made (from the 5 I have personally handled). They shoot well, but the fit and finish leave a lot to be desired. I saw one from your last shipment at a gun show. The dealer was selling it for 375 dollars and it looked pretty good. The stain was properly applied, not dipped in it, the blueing was nice and the front sight was centered and the cleaning rod was not bent. The rear sight was not even wobbly!
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