Usually how long does it take before Marstar ship your order...

The last handgun I bought from them was shipped within 24 hours of me placing the order. It was really amazing.
I've had stuff show up before the transaction posts to my creditcard transaction webpage as the lag is usually a couple of days on the M/C side of things. Don't believe that billing occurs until day of shipping as Marstar bills you their cost, not a penny more.
Once the transfer goes through it takes about a day to be shipped, they then bill you card that day! They are great to deal with, just give them a call if you have any questions.
Unfortunately for me, my credit card provider's web based transaction stuff has been down since January 17th and they're not sure when they'll get it fixed... ...hate not being able to track things myself right now!
"They ship Fridays"
Once again my friend, please check your facts....
Marstar ships every day one way or another....
Canada Post's truck picks up here Wednesday and Friday....
Canpar picks ups up whenever there are small ammo orders....
Day & Ross pick up and deliver several times a week, they handle anyhting from a few palletes to complete truckloads (52ft)
We also contracted with three other trucking firms who do show up several times a month....
"They ship Fridays"
Once again my friend, please check your facts....
Marstar ships every day one way or another....
Canada Post's truck picks up here Wednesday and Friday....
Canpar picks ups up whenever there are small ammo orders....
Day & Ross pick up and deliver several times a week, they handle anyhting from a few palletes to complete truckloads (52ft)
We also contracted with three other trucking firms who do show up several times a month....

Thanks for the correction John . I called yesterday asking about a order . He said it was ready to go & that you ship Fridays . So I must have misunderstood him .
Still waiting for the Can Post shipping notification . Guess I should have asked which Fri it would be sent. lol
Not having discussed Marstar shipping with anyone since Frank helped me sort out a minor issue a year or so ago, I have to admit I was under the impression that fridays were the ship day too (given two business day express post standard, wednesdays are my "where the c**p is it" days)...'d think that we were practising in case they release a Marstar version of Trivial Pursuit.
"They ship Fridays"
Once again my friend, please check your facts....
Marstar ships every day one way or another....
Canada Post's truck picks up here Wednesday and Friday....
Canpar picks ups up whenever there are small ammo orders....
Day & Ross pick up and deliver several times a week, they handle anyhting from a few palletes to complete truckloads (52ft)
We also contracted with three other trucking firms who do show up several times a month....

I orderd an sks and ammo over 3weeks ago and still haven't got it
!? When will it ship out ??
My experiences have been thusly ( here I thought thusly was a word-LOL).

1) Order a restricted
2) Give CC information and RPAL stuff
3) Transfer happens - I'm in Ontario and we are pretty lucky as transfers are relatively quick
4) CC gets charged - item is shipped.

Maybe I am just lucky and have good timing - but I doubt that since they don't know me from Jack. Which leads me to suspect this is how they do it.
I am sorry to disagree with BC#1 shooter...But we ship five(5) days a week....Twice a week for Canada Post pick up here....

YES we are late shipping the package deals we ran low on 7.62x39 ammo, containers started arriving today.... We will start to catch up shortly....

However we are not able to locate any order for S.Knappett

I am sorry to disagree with BC#1 shooter...But we ship five(5) days a week....Twice a week for Canada Post pick up here....

YES we are late shipping the package deals we ran low on 7.62x39 ammo, containers started arriving today.... We will start to catch up shortly....

However we are not able to locate any order for S.Knappett


It took you almost 3 yrs to disagree with my post ?
"besides, i found that Marstar only seems to ship when they have a package to send. "

Not certain I understand what you are saying here, yes it is true we can only ship when we have parcels but ????????


"You guys need to start calling rather than using a forum. It would just be way simpler. "

How radical, how logical, be careful my friend less they start saying you make sense.... Thank you for understanding

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