Canada ammo website down?

Let the rumours begin!!!!

I'll start.

He took our money and doesn't have any Tavors. He's en route to Haiti to buy some cheap, earthquake ravaged land.
Woops! I did'nt mean to start a conspiracy S**t storm. I was just wondering if it was just me that could'nt acess thier site.:redface:
Placed an order on the 7th. Received a reply on the 8th. What else was I supposed to do while the website was down?

I have had trouble with the dealer links before locking up my computer?
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I feel your pain. We had the same thing happen when we upgraded servers last week.
Hey CanAm & Chemist,

If either of you are ever looking for help diagnosing problems with your servers/websites and getting things fixed, feel free to PM me. My crew specializes in that area and I'd be happy to give some free help from time to time.

ps. And the answer is "No", I'm not looking to jump the queue for my Tavor;-)
I heard the entire staff was kidnapped by beautiful, lustful green alien women who needed them to breed with. Apparently Can-am did his Capt Kirk routine well. Sadly one of his staff was wearing a red shirt and, well you know what happens to the guy in the red shirt on a alien planet.
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