

Any chance you could bring in a quantity of bolts that could be fitted to the existing M305's in the country to lap into proper headspace?

No we do not have plans on ordering these for the M14 rifles

Of course the barrels are chrome lined....
Show me the factory that will provide hammerforged barrels for these rifles at a price below what we are selling the entire rifle for and we will buy them, please lets get real

As stated previously, yes we will bring in spares at a later date, not immdiately, in the future.

Anyone who's sore about missing out can buy my M14 in the EE :D I got it from you john :)
hey Jone,

I send you email ask about pre-order M305B, But didnt get reply .

GOOD DAY I would appreciate a moment of your time allowing me to explain the current offering of M14 rifles.....

This is a pre-order offering, meaning the rifles are arriving in June, and we are accepting orders NOW

These pre-orders will betreated as orders, they will be assigned a PO number, the order will be filled in the sequence received....

Marstar does NOT request nor accept any deposits....

Your credit card will NOT be charged until the transfer is approved to your name....

There is NO "waiting list" ONLY pre-orders.

Allow me to explain why, over the past few years several issues have arisen, some caused hard feelings, we hope to remedy that with pre orders.
With waiting lists we take your e mail message and list it....
When the goods arrive we e mail all those who sent us a note....
Some people reply a long time afterwards, perhaps they were away, on holidays, did not notice e mail etc.... After seven days we consider a non replied e mail to be void....

We get hostile replies from clients who accuse us of allowing others to "jump the line"

On the other hand approximately 20% of those we send e mail messages to have either changed IP or have blocked Marstar.... What can we do?

By establishing a clear cut pre order system you place your order we assign it a number it will be filled as soon as the goods arrive....

I hope this is clear, if you have questions send us an e mail john@marstar.ca please not PMs
I have met Johnone personally on many occasions along with what I assume to be his entire Canadian crew, and I can state without reservation that these people would simply REFUSE to sell you, or anybody else, a product which is unsafe.

Fire away.

# 276, I just placed my order, just wondering are these new type of M14 rifles safe to shoot .308win out of the box or do they require a inspection from a gunsmith? Do you know what the headspacing is like on them?

Johnone : Are there any plans in the works to have aftermarket wooden stocks brought in for these rifles ? I'm sort of a classic wood and iron kinda guy ....

We are currently negotiating the entire inventory of a major player in the US, GI synthetic stock, wlanut stocks, birch stocks, National match stocks....

Stay tuned

BTW you met only a few of the folks who work here, we also have secretaries, a webmaster/photographer, shipping people, etc, etc....

Got my order in the other day....count down is on.

High likelihood of adding on a Chinese SKS when they arrive too :)
Yup good idea. If it the same guy I'm thinking of, he needs more time on the road to complain about big government, the lack of riflery skills among the general population, and whatever other silliness comes to mind. Getting his stocks in Canada will make up for his unrushed attitude for customer service.
When these M305B rifles come in, are they coming in a Batch of like 5000 or something. There is obviously alot of guys Pre-ordering these rifles, and I was just wondering if they were going to be several different delivery dates? If guys with Orders 1 through 250 would get theres first, then 250 through to 500 would get theres a month later and so on...??? Anyone know about that, or are they all coming in June?
Yup good idea. If it the same guy I'm thinking of, he needs more time on the road to complain about big government, the lack of riflery skills among the general population, and whatever other silliness comes to mind. Getting his stocks in Canada will make up for his unrushed attitude for customer service.

He has had some pretty nice stocks, though.

Good thing Johnone is bringing a good supply into the country.
When these M305B rifles come in, are they coming in a Batch of like 5000 or something. There is obviously alot of guys Pre-ordering these rifles, and I was just wondering if they were going to be several different delivery dates? If guys with Orders 1 through 250 would get theres first, then 250 through to 500 would get theres a month later and so on...??? Anyone know about that, or are they all coming in June?

I basically asked the samething:

#249, 248 more than I wanted to be :p

How many are roughly coming in? And all in one load or multiple?


You worry too much, your numbers are far from the end.... we have plenty coming in June....

That is the first of four containers for 2010.

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