New family of rifles


Expired Business
Take a moment to have a look at whats coming this summer....

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There are several interesting videos....

These are the latest in hi tech rifles, the gas system alone has caused a lot of interest among manufacturers....

The quick change barell feature allows shooters to fire several calibers from one rifle....
They are approved for Canadian sale, we are just waiting for the US export permit


If they end up non restricted I think you might have something, but it looks like an AR platform (no?) so I don't really see a huge advantage in it over the Robinson XCR or even the ARs.
Interesting though. Thanks for sharing.
The people in Ottawa say restricted....

They are vastly different from the AR 15, please read through the literature....

Two MAJOR advantages,
1) the cool running gas system
2) Interchangeable barrels, for instance, you can go from .223 to 7.62x39 in just a few seconds, have a look at the demo video.

PRICING will right around the US prices....

I especially like the billet...I'm ok with restricted but price would probably be the deciding factor..
I wish PPSH41 was available. It is restricted though. Too bad.

The people in Ottawa say restricted....

They are vastly different from the AR 15, please read through the literature....

Two MAJOR advantages,
1) the cool running gas system
2) Interchangeable barrels, for instance, you can go from .223 to 7.62x39 in just a few seconds, have a look at the demo video.

PRICING will right around the US prices....

There may be an argument that the AR market is pretty saturated (as in how many current AR owners will buy into it).
But I think the quick change barrel feature will be bought by some, especilally if you offer a lot of 7.62 x 39 barrels AND magazines that can be bought as well. Other barrels should be offered on a special order basis.
IMHO, one can never have too many AR's....I just don't know how many others believe the same in order to make this venture a success.
Yeah, another AR. Good for the AR lovers, I am one. But I want something like the Robson and may just sell my AR's to get an unrestricted multi caliber rifle.
What about the semi suomi and ppsh-41's? Thats what is peaking my interest!

Now we are talking man, I am all about a suomi and PPSH41.
Now on topic, I love the look of the coyote it is beautiful indeed, Also the lack of recoil in the video's is very interesting as well. If that was 7.62x39 in the drum than I would have to give this gun a thumbs up and have to handle it to convince myself it is a must have.
Is there a possibility of some more of the TNW MG34's making it into the country? If so, do you think that they will remain in the $4,000 price range that you were selling them for before?

And another +1 to the semi-auto PPSh41! :D Especially if, as John said, they will be even in the same ball park as the US pricing! :D
The people in Ottawa say restricted....

They are vastly different from the AR 15, please read through the literature....

Two MAJOR advantages,
1) the cool running gas system
2) Interchangeable barrels, for instance, you can go from .223 to 7.62x39 in just a few seconds, have a look at the demo video.

PRICING will right around the US prices....


When John? When?:dancingbanana:
We will soon have some more Mg-34s, yes the price should be about the same....Although they have increased fortunately so has the Canadian dollar.

The Soumi M31 and the PPSH-41 are both "in the works"


As much as possible the prices will be in line with those in the USA....

We will carry all the extras for the rifle, barrels, uppers, lowers, etc, etc....

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