Where are the Chaparral 1897's made?

Latest post on the THR thread,

I have in my possession an e-mail directly from the owner(s) of Chaparral that says they are making 1897 Winchesters in Italy, and that they did in fact ship several hundred to Canada, but none have been shipped to the U.S. The stock and forend are black finish beech wood, that is oil finished.

I can't disclose the rest of the contents of the e-mail, other than the fact that you're correct, Chaparral is making an Italian copy of the Winchester 1897 shotgun, and have shipped some to Canada. This is the first we've heard of it, so you were ahead of the curve on this one, and I stand corrected.

Hope this helps.


Seems like our American brothers have not heard of the Italian made 1897's but I let them know that Marstar would be happy to sell them some.....
CAN-DOWN and others;

We did have a few posts way back when, don't remember the exact date....

For the doubting ones, there is a very easy way to tell if the guns were made in Italy, look for the Italian proof marks on them....
Thanks again John,
Maybe you should edit your web site to indicate where your Chaprral 1897's are made as it seems some potential US customers may think they are from China....
CAN-DOWN; We are not too worried about "potential" US clients for firearms as we do not ship to individuals in the USA.... Only distributors.

Thanks John,

So there is no chinese parts on the guns made in Italy that Marstar sells as Chaparral... but does Chapparal also imports chinese guns into the US market?

"So there is no chinese parts"

I seriously doubt that anyone can say for certainty that there are "no chinese parts" on anything.

About the only people who don't have chinese parts on anything are defence contractors (and even they can't really "guarantee" it unless they make every screw in-house).

Caused a huge problem in the aircraft parts industry @15-20 years ago...
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