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Opar, I will personally call you when they arrive. Maybe send you a picture.
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Just got on the list, though my cash is certainly not ready yet. My mom was offering to buy me a gun if i quit smoking, maybee if i dont have the money when these become available that might happen. Although I'm sure my mom and wife will poop their pants when they find out how much it will be.
Just an update:

Our SAPR samples for the RCMP have just arrived...

Given that there is currently a 3-4 month backlog in issuing FRT#'s I wouldn't get too crazy yet.

But we'll keep you guys in the loop.

what is the actual look of the SAPR rifles that are coming in? 18.5" barrel? Standard turning sights with the tritium inserts on the night sight "setting" (i think they are called diopter?)
Pictures will follow... give us a couple of days as we are still struggling getting our "point of sale" working properly.

Awesome news!!! I had phoned in ages ago to be on a wait list, but please PM me if there is an official list so I can be on it.

Please take 100 pictures for us.

How many samples came in? Do all go to the RCMP?

Fingers crossed the FRT process goes quick. Hooefully they are labeled "classic green 308" or something similar to speed up their association to unrestricted variants.
More pictures to follow tomorrow best I got with my phone - camera shots to follow


Aprox how much for the diopter that attaches to the rail?
Hopefully these are not going to be right out of my price range. Although i would sell my right nut for one of these.
What is the barrel length of the firearm that was sent to the RCMP? and how can I buy the diopter sights if they have tritium in them? Does SAN have a Canadian distributed that can bring them in? Would I be able to special order them from, say, Wolverine Supplies?
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