AIA Match?


CGN Regular
Terra periculosa
Wondering if anything has been said about the AIA M10 B2 Match rifles that are "temporarily" out of stock.

Will Marstar be getting any more in or not? I've been holding out for a year now from getting a normal B1, but lately I've been fake-filling out the order form more than usual :D

If the expected arrival is soon I can wait, but I have such a thing for these rifles... and nobody responds to my WTB ads :redface:
I bought one third hand. Kicks butt.
Keep an eye on EE. For some reason I doubt that Marstar will get anymore in. There seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding AIA and the way they do business. Hell Marstar can't or won't get any spare magizines and they would make a killing on these things from the M305 crowd. I tried to get some from Australia from some contacts I have there and no dice.
"Hell Marstar can't or won't get any spare magizines "
We have had these on order for over a year....

"they would make a killing on these things from the M305 crowd."
How would this come to be ?? They may fit the 305 rifles but they will not hold in the rifle, they fall out
johnone. any word on the B2. has it been on order for a year also? I only ask as I want one new not used. I want to retire my 1911 BSA and use an AIA for hunting. A 100yr thing
Wana bet ?

Marstar is the offical Canadian distributor for AIA, If he went around saying you can stuff AIA mags in M-305's the RCMP may do to it what they did to the Remington 7615, All because Remington advertized it was compatable with an AR-15 mag, so in the RCMP's eyes it was an AR-15 mag and thus they made it offical. The only reason the LAR-15 mags are leagal is Rock rivers arms has not made the same mistake as Remington.
Sure the AIA mags may fit and hold in an M-305 (mine do, they actually fit better than the M-305 mags.), but John is the last one I want to see admitting to that.
Am I the only person in Canada that is waiting for a B2? Is there some reason that there is never a response as to when they might get her?

Nope, you're not the only one........I'd love to pick one up based on my experience with their "standard" rifle.:)

The chrome lined barrel being a real bonus too!
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Marstar is the offical Canadian distributor for AIA, If he went around saying you can stuff AIA mags in M-305's the RCMP may do to it what they did to the Remington 7615, All because Remington advertized it was compatable with an AR-15 mag, so in the RCMP's eyes it was an AR-15 mag and thus they made it offical. The only reason the LAR-15 mags are leagal is Rock rivers arms has not made the same mistake as Remington.
Sure the AIA mags may fit and hold in an M-305 (mine do, they actually fit better than the M-305 mags.), but John is the last one I want to see admitting to that.

Well said... people have to know that the RCMP do indeed read our forums.
AIA Rifles

Here is a quote from the AIA site:

Our production is limited in quantity as we build the rifles, they are not mass-produced items. We only construct about 1,000-1,200 units each year because of all the hand-work required for metal, wood, fitting & tuning of each rifle.

Maybe this explains in part why there aren't too many available.
Still waiting for a response as to when or if the B2 is going to be in stock. A soon, latter or never would be nice to know.

It's been out of stock for almost as long as I've been registered on CGN.

Wolverine seems to have some AIA rifles in 7.62x39, but they also mention them to be limited quantity with no future stock.

Somewhere else on these forums, I've run into mention that most of the AIA production is spoken for ahead of time. I guess a better question is how much more would it take to make it worthwhile for AIA pry some B2s away from their Oz customers and send them our way?
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