Happy with m-93

glad to hear that....i just ordered one for my wife about 3 hours ago....i haven't really had any feedback from any members that own one thx
glad to hear that....i just ordered one for my wife about 3 hours ago....i haven't really had any feedback from any members that own one thx

you been livin on mars or somethig?- there's one hot thread right now way in the front, and there's been several over the last little while- they've all been good, with the exception of the one geologist had- and that has light strikes
no....i do not live on "mars or something".."..i have not seen anything...but then again.i just started to look into the M-93 " t-star....not every one lives and breathes with every moment spent online here....so plz forgive me my ignorance having missed a "thread" thx
Gotta second and third that, I received my M-93s yesterday (yes, two.... one for me, one for the wife...)

Still a cosmoline covered mess, but nothing major... want to take it apart anyway :D (okay, mines already been apart twice now... ;))

Thanks for the great service Marstar! We will definitely be doing business with you again! (like when those NP-29's show up... ;))

I got my m-93 today, and was pleasantly surprised to see that you folks had cleaned the cosmoline off for me. Very happy with the performance at the range as well.
Thanks for the quality service

I also got mine on Thursday, expecting to have to de-goo it like I have with some of my other Norcs, but it looked good to go.

Now I just need to arrange for some time that I can get to the range :)
autocrash....let me know what you think and more importantly what your wife thinks of the M-93... any input would be appreciated....thx

May be a while... We have our club handgun course this sunday, then a variable number of practice shoots before we can take them out...

Although my wife is really happy with the way it fits her hands...
And I am impressed by how solid it its... machining a little rough around the edges (inside the gun) but all and all, well finished...

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