Surplus Garands from South Korea

Oh, John, you massive flirt.

If an unnamed gun importation company in a central Canadian province were to access a number of ex-US military non-manually-operated rifles of a caliber between .29 and .31 and a vintage of somewhere in the first half of the previous century from a small Asian country, might one speculate as to how much such a device, assuming it even existed, might retail for?

Just wondering...:D
oh we go....let the games begin !!!! just the thought of "such a device" coming to an unnamed company here in Canada...... MUST HAVE SUCH A "device" if not one at least two
IF (and that's a big IF) such a thing were to transpire then everyone surely must buy 2 lest a certain unmentionable falls off...:p
Only a terrorist like Obama would consider the return of US Military Property to lawful US Citizens as a threat to public security.

Comments in gun circles in the USA say the US Government will pay the small Asian country to destroy the ex-military weapons.
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