FSN rifles/ Marstar misinformation


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
OK, here we go again.

Remember, I was the one who started the thread about the FSN rifles, curious how I could order one, weeks went by,

so decided to call 2 weeks ago. Here is the information I received:

Me: "I would like to order a K-model, I really want one, PLEASE take my order"

Marstar: "Don't worry, we have enough of all models, just wait when they are on the web site"

Me: "Are you 100 % sure that you have enough rifles and I will get one"

Marstar: "Yes, don't worry"

Today then, at 8.45 am Pacific time while I was at work, John posted the availability of the FSN rifles, announcing limited availability (WTF) for the K and the W variants.

3 hours later (while I was still working and didn't even have a break), my beloved K-model was sold out.
yikes! I was on the original wait list for when these were first supposed to come into the country (before they went prohib for a few months). Not sure if the original wait list people will be notified or?

edited to add i read John's post and no more pre-order system.....
Oh well; same old story...you snooze you lose. If there is no pre-orders you have to be able to move fast...Ninja like.
I had to work my balls off to catch this one 20mins before they sold out. I have been calling each week to find out an eta. PM'ing John, checking the site, posting about eta. If you did your homework you would have seen he said they will be released this week. Well, today was the last day of the week. I woke up at 645am to call. Being on the westcoast. The person on the phone said they are not available until next week. I didn't give up. I pm'd john saying. You said this week. I woke up at 9 and checked my inbox. He gave me a link to the site. Sat on the fence for a little while thinking about my bank account because we didn't know price beforehand. Finally pulled the trigger minutes before they sold out!!!!

Don't worry guys. If they are here now that opens the door for more to come. Some will pop up in the EE too I am sure.
I had to work my balls off to catch this one 20mins before they sold out. I have been calling each week to find out an eta. PM'ing John, checking the site, posting about eta. If you did your homework you would have seen he said they will be released this week. Well, today was the last day of the week. I woke up at 645am to call. Being on the westcoast. The person on the phone said they are not available until next week. I didn't give up. I pm'd john saying. You said this week. I woke up at 9 and checked my inbox. He gave me a link to the site. Sat on the fence for a little while thinking about my bank account because we didn't know price beforehand. Finally pulled the trigger minutes before they sold out!!!!

Don't worry guys. If they are here now that opens the door for more to come. Some will pop up in the EE too I am sure.


So what does this say about Marstar? John runs the show and you can't believe what everybody else is saying?

So what does this say about Marstar? John runs the show and you can't believe what everybody else is saying?

I wouldn't say misinformation. I would say lack of communication between staff and John. I don't have a reason to believe either side was lying. The staff didn't know they were going on sale today and John did. The staff said no John said yes. You had to believe both. Don't know the reasoning behind it but that is how it turned out.
And to add insult to injury, I received every freakin Marstar facebook update over the past 2 months by SMS to my phone, even at 5 am, but not this one. :HR:

Proby facebooks fault, did anybody else not get it who has subscribed?

OK, here we go again.

Remember, I was the one who started the thread about the FSN rifles, curious how I could order one, weeks went by,

so decided to call 2 weeks ago. Here is the information I received:

Me: "I would like to order a K-model, I really want one, PLEASE take my order"

Marstar: "Don't worry, we have enough of all models, just wait when they are on the web site"

Me: "Are you 100 % sure that you have enough rifles and I will get one"

Marstar: "Yes, don't worry"

Today then, at 8.45 am Pacific time while I was at work, John posted the availability of the FSN rifles, announcing limited availability (WTF) for the K and the W variants.

3 hours later (while I was still working and didn't even have a break), my beloved K-model was sold out.

Not another cry baby thread! f:P:
Give your head a shake.

John's a great guy and just remember all the good stuff he has brought in over the years.
Not another cry baby thread! f:P:
Give your head a shake.

John's a great guy and just remember all the good stuff he has brought in over the years.

John deserves respect for bringing these guys in, but given the lengths Scianna went through, I too would be frustrated if I didn't get one. At the end of the day there will be more available at some point and likely in the EE as well. Not to worry. Patience. We are used to it.
I just went to the marstar site and FSN rifles all say instock. Anyway, to me, what's the big deal? I thought I was going to see a gold plated wicked machine from the sounds of the thread.:stirthepot2:
At the end of the day there will be more available at some point and likely in the EE as well. Not to worry. Patience. We are used to it.

if you believe that then you should give yours to scianna and you can be patient .

do i hear yes? :D :stirthepot2:
John is a God send to many firearms people. Yes Marstar can/has/will make mistakes we should try to be a little good.

Now that being said... John I want my new toy damnit! It shouldn't take a week to transfer it to me! Im getting really impatient :p

P.S. John, we love you :D
That's not what you said on... You know where.

John is a God send to many firearms people. Yes Marstar can/has/will make mistakes we should try to be a little good.

Now that being said... John I want my new toy damnit! It shouldn't take a week to transfer it to me! Im getting really impatient :p

P.S. John, we love you :D
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