Reclassification Status on the BD38 and BD3008?

Coyote Ugly

CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Any word back on the ruling or outcome?
What is a typical time frame with reclassification?
Are transfers and sales of these on hold for the time being?

This is what I have been told, the BD-42, The BD-42h and the BD44 are all OK for sale and transfer.... They are still on the FRT.

As for the BD-3008 and the BD-38 they have been removed from the FRT for a "further review and possible re-classification."

Translation: Further review. "We will drag this on for years and offer zero due process or transparency. Possible re-classification. "We will ban them. In fact, we more or less have already done so and nobody will hold us #### you."
Well, color me bewildered.... :confused:

I just had one transferred to me yesterday.

No problem with the transfer either.. :confused:

Then again, the Gestapo might just be waiting to smash down my door... :eek:

Which model did you get transfered ??


From a private sale.

Talked to the CFO's office in Edmonchuck to get the transfer completed, no problem. :)

I sure as hell hope that someone isn't coming to bust down my door in a month when they decide it needs to go up for review again... :confused:
when is this ####in #### gonna end.i wrote my MP and he actually called me at home:eek: said he thought that a bunch of people deciding to ban private property,especially once it has been approved for legal sale & ownership was pure BS! he said i had his support,he then forwarded my letter as well as his supporting letter to the safety minister. i have not heard anything since.
Same with me Elvis, my MP got a long letter about the whole reclassification thing and how there WILL be a court date in the event the BD38 gets banned. It was forwarded to TOEWS about 6 weeks ago, haven't heard anything yet. My next course of action is to send the letter to William Elliott, Commissioner of the RCMP and politely tell him to shorten the leash. It's encouraging to see the T97 owners are fighting it, hopefully if enough of us fight this in court someone will win their case and blow the lid off the whole rotten deal. Be interesting to see if the "ease of conversion" test actually meets the criteria, I highly doubt it.
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