7.62x25 ammo??

combat masters ammo sells for that.... apparently a lot of people have problems getting ahold of them to buy a case, but I've never had any issues

I could have sworn it was $300 or so the last time I looked. Weird. You don't have to tell me about how hard it can be to deal with Kurt...
SFRC sells Wolf reloaded for around $200, that stuff is fantastic, I also reload, easy to do 1,000 rounds in around 3 hours and cost is around $150/1,000, personally I don't like that surplus crap for a premium price tag, I still have 2 cases of 7.62x25 in my basement but rather reload for the toks I own.

But it's OK with me if the prices are high, so I know that I can always make money with that stuff.
"Just read in another post that NRCAN has stopped the sale of surplus 7.62X25 "

I know you like negative news, so I really hate to ruin your day, but you are wrong.
7.62x25 AMMO;
Don't worry everything is on schedule....


I am going to take John at his word and fire my last 5 box's that I was saving. I miss the melon size fire ball and the stink looks I get from fellow shooters when I am firing my Tok. :p
"It must be on schedule since its February 2nd and the delivery date said January lol."

You know it is positive support like this that make it all worth while.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to clear up some of the export issues at point of origin ??

Nope I could not. But I could suggest adding a minimum of 3 months on any eta date you quote plus another two weeks for good measure, and then maybe it will only be a couple months past due...

"It must be on schedule since its February 2nd and the delivery date said January lol."

You know it is positive support like this that make it all worth while.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to clear up some of the export issues at point of origin ??

Piz, stop being a smartass. If it wasn't for John we would not be getting 7.62x25 surplus ammunition in this country. You are not entitled to surplus ammunition like this, nor should your expectations of it's delivery.

It'll get here when it gets here. The delaying factors are beyond John's control.
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