7.62x25 ammo??

I assume by the 17 next to your pen name that you posted your age ??

I am truly sorry that we have not lived up to your expectations....

You are that 1% I sometimes refer to in my comments, it must be really diffcult to live in such a negative little world....

Fortunately the remaining 99% of shooters and collectors more than make up for your negativity

Yep, that was my age.. 18 years ago. Not to worry, I only buy quality firearms now after a few chinese workmanship encounters so I guess that crosses you off my list as a dealer. My world is actually quite positive. I, unlike some on these forums, don't happen to enjoy being fed a steady diet of bs dates of "special" products, so most of my dealings are very positive as I buy what is in stock and get it in a reasonable time. Also a happily married father of two and manage a business with 4 mil in yearly sales (I know that's a couple ammo crates by your standards) so that's also pretty positive. All I was merely saying is that if you work on your arrival dates accuracy a bit more, people might have more faith in what you say and your forum might not be littered with negative threads.. But I am only 1% and one person can't make a difference..Right? I'm done, reply not needed.

I assume by the 17 next to your pen name that you posted your age ??

I am truly sorry that we have not lived up to your expectations....

You are that 1% I sometimes refer to in my comments, it must be really diffcult to live in such a negative little world....

Fortunately the remaining 99% of shooters and collectors more than make up for your negativity

May I enquire as to the origin of this particular ammo?

Is it the superhot Czech loading or is it regular Warsaw Pact standard?

Thank you.
My god, why do all the "Internet Warriors" insist on slagging John and Marstar and in his own dealer threads no less.

Unlike some here John I understand the unforeseen circumstances that sometimes hit your delivery dates.

John, I appreciate your efforts, keep up the good work. To all the internet superhero's out there please try to remember that these are guns and ammunition. He is not importing teddy bears...sometimes there are delays.

Sorry to hijack, but will you be getting anymore standard Norinco government 1911a1's this year? (the one that sells for $325.00)


"May I enquire as to the origin of this particular ammo?

Is it the superhot Czech loading or is it regular Warsaw Pact standard?"

It is S&B (Czech) ammo....
I would suggest you search this forum for information we posted several years ago regarding the various 7.62x25 loads....
VERY few countries loaded this caliber for exclusive use in automatic weappons, it simply did not make sense from a logistics standpoint....
"Sorry to hijack, but will you be getting anymore standard Norinco government 1911a1's this year? (the one that sells for $325.00)"

As a matter of fact the factory just notified us that a batch of them is ready, should see them in the spring.

BTW thank you for understanding
Judging by the picture on your web site this is the green stuff, nothing but problems with feeding in my toks (2 x Russian, 1 x Hungarian, 1 x Norc 54), I think I will pass on that one
I would suggest that maybe, just maybe, there is a cleaning issue here....

We have sold millions of rounds of this ammo without any complaints....

Can this ammo be used at indoor ranges such as CRAFM?
There are signs posted no steel core ammo permitted.
No military ammo permitted.

Sorry for the newbie question.
my guess would be no then

As you said it's just a guess.
They're worried about the ammunition damaging their bullet traps which is why anything with steel is nor permitted.
We're permitted to fire anything up to .338 Lapua so it's not a question of velocity.
At worst I can shoot it at an outdoor range and reload it for indoor use.
Yep, that was my age.. 18 years ago. Not to worry, I only buy quality firearms now after a few chinese workmanship encounters so I guess that crosses you off my list as a dealer. My world is actually quite positive. I, unlike some on these forums, don't happen to enjoy being fed a steady diet of bs dates of "special" products, so most of my dealings are very positive as I buy what is in stock and get it in a reasonable time. Also a happily married father of two and manage a business with 4 mil in yearly sales (I know that's a couple ammo crates by your standards) so that's also pretty positive. All I was merely saying is that if you work on your arrival dates accuracy a bit more, people might have more faith in what you say and your forum might not be littered with negative threads.. But I am only 1% and one person can't make a difference..Right? I'm done, reply not needed.

How you got married is beyond me but you sir, in my opinion of course so don't get all pissy on me, have no class. It's not so much an internet thing and not an insult... I actually know you; and in my opinion based on my interactions with you over the years, you present yourself as having no class. You were, in my opinion, a dweeb in high school and it would seem things haven't changed for you... how very, very sad for your wife.

The reason John made mention to 17 being your age there wee one is that's how you're coming across. A marked lack of maturity.

Keep up the good fight John. I know this one, you're not missing much. You're right about the 1%, however you're also right about the other 99. I'll take whatever wee-man walks away from.
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How you got married is beyond me but you sir, in my opinion of course so don't get all pissy on me, have no class. It's not so much an internet thing and not an insult... I actually know you; and in my opinion based on my interactions with you over the years, you present yourself as having no class. You were, in my opinion, a dweeb in high school and it would seem things haven't changed for you... how very, very sad for your wife.

The reason John made mention to 17 be you age there wee one is that how you're coming across. A marked lack of maturity.

Keep up the good fight John. I know this one, you're not missing much. You're right about the 1%, however you're also right about the other 99. I'll take whatever wee-man walks away from.

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