7.62x25 ammo??

"its not January on Marstar's calendar for at least another month."

My favorite 17 year old is at it again....
I thought I had replied in a civil and accurate manner to this question on Marech 25th..?

What more can I add ?
I have asked this before, I would appreciate your input on how to completely remove all variables from shipping schedules....

It is obvious you have knowledge which we would gladly pay for....

Simply let me know how we force governments to stick to their schedules.... How we force bureaucrats in the vendor countries to adhere to schedules.... force the exporting officials (customs etc) to do their jobs at the time and place promised.... lets not forget the shipping lines, they should be forced to carry the cargo when they first agree to.... once the cargo gets to Canada we should know how we can speed up examination and clearance by Canada Customs....

I look forward to you sharing your great wisdom with us and your fellow shooters here on CGN.
I never said I know any of that. The solution is simple. Set the ETA date when its in the country. Done. That way even if it takes months and months it will be a nice surprise for everyone when it arrives. Same goes for the italian m-14's and whatever else.
I never said I know any of that. The solution is simple. Set the ETA date when its in the country. Done. That way even if it takes months and months it will be a nice surprise for everyone when it arrives. Same goes for the italian m-14's and whatever else.

ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival


Simple concept... so quit the crying. Not grasping simple concepts a person can ignore, but its the whining...

Why don't you STFU Byron. Being annoying won't speed anything up. You're acting like you're 12. Are you?

why dont you stfu. you are the one making posts causing #### like a 12 yr old when i am simply trying figure out what happend as it feels like were getting ####ed around

there has been multiple posts asking about this ammo since it was "at the shipyard" two weeks ago

john has obviously read them

im sorry for trying to straiten this out?
What is the problem ??

"it feels like were getting ####ed around"
Well perhaps you would be kind enough to let me know how to avoid delays in German ports ??

Obviously you are a secure and confident person, just because we don't provide the answer you want, we are ####ing you around"
Best to just ignore the haters John. Most people have plenty of patience and I am looking forward to shooting lots of X25 when it arrives:D.
What is the problem ??

"it feels like were getting ####ed around"
Well perhaps you would be kind enough to let me know how to avoid delays in German ports ??

Obviously you are a secure and confident person, just because we don't provide the answer you want, we are ####ing you around"

sorry john
i misunderstood your previous comment in thinking that the shipment had come into a canadian port as you had stated it was en route in the bermuda triangle

i was anxious because from your comment "We are jsut waiting for our stacking number at the port so we can have the containers run into the facility" made it sound like they were in canada and they would be arriving at your facility immanently...after two weeks i was curious

i feel like your ####ing us around because you have no problem responding with snide remarks to your customers and dont give updates on the shipment, its not the lack of answer i want, it is the lack of you answering the question at hand at all

as i stated before i understand that your job is hard dealing with customers in an online forum where people aren't afraid to give harsh criticism and make immature retarded comments

you however are not making your job any easier or giving the company you work for any better of a reputation by responding in the way that you continue to do

why do you feel like insulting me and other customers and perpetuating all this drama and bull#### when you could simply be forthcoming with the information you have, and be respectful to a fellow firearm enthusiast at the same time!

thanks john
any chance i could get some info now?....
Watch out you'll make John's Naughty list and loose your 25% discount.

I still don't get what the fuss is, if there is a problem with Marstar for you why do you guys keep coming in this forum?

I can't wait for the shipement to get here yet I'm perfectly happy waiting for it. It's not like I pre-paid or anything.
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