Norc M700 Copy?


CGN frequent flyer
Would anyone here want a Remington 700 copy made by Norinco? I think it would sell like hotcakes and that John should pass it along. If they can make M4geries, they can make one of these.

PS- I would buy one just to read the manual. :p
700 SPS's are so cheap (all around) I can't image why anyone would want to go more "ghetto" then that. I confess to have bought at least (3) of them in the recent past but have only done so for the basic action and trigger.

As rough and un-refined as a SPS is, I doubt Norinco (or whomever) could make it worth the while $$$ wise to make a knock-off. If it wasn't $350 or under, I don't think I'd bother. For another $200 clams you could have the genuine article.
Remington has been doing a good job lately of building cheap s**t on their own, i doubt they need China's help.

I was about to say: hard to lower the quality further more on these rifles!
(and yes I own more than one of them)
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