SHOT SHOW 2011 - The Savage 99 - An interview with the president

Norinco could build a Classic '99 for around $600.oo and a nice Miroku unit would be about $1100-1300.
The key being the management at Savage needs to partner up with one of these manufacturers to
get 'er done. Browning and Winchester have no problem going offshore to get products produced.
Savage seems to have a build it at home policy, along with a design team that could use a little re-think
in terms of product development. I can't whine about their current products though, for they shoot
very well for the buck.

Savage does make really good barrels and accurate rifles at a price point that a lot of folks
can live with and will give great reliability for a lifetime of service if properly cared for.
If they really wanted to reintroduce the M99, they could do it.
The comments I heard at the Winchester booth would leave you slack jawed. Something like "I'd never own anything made by ....... expletives... My daddy fought ..... etc etc". "I couldn't stand to have made in Japan on the barrel."
Savage very likely knows it's customers well. It takes a lot of time to change views like I heard down there, Winchester stuck their neck out going with Miroku. But those that appreciate fine rifles and can see behind the politics know it was the right choice, the timing is the key.
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