SHOT SHOW 2011 - Swiss Arms SAPR

If I could have a non-restriced AR10, then i'd pass. But I can't, so this is the gun that fills that .308 black semi niche.
It is cheaper than a KAC SR25 and is non-restricted to boot. I'm getting one.
+1 Good rifles aren't cheap, and these will still be less than an SR-25.

$5000 has not been confirmed, has it?

I bet its no more then $4999 anyways.
I went by the Swiss Arms price list, which puts the PE90 at 2820 CHF or ~$3000 CAD (our GS and BS are around this price, depending on dealer/condition), so I thought it'd be a good way to estimate the price.

The SAPR is put at 4990 CHF or ~$5300 CAD, so $5000 flat might have been optimistic since I didn't bother to do the conversion when I first looked at it.
+1 Good rifles aren't cheap, and these will still be less than an SR-25.

I went by the Swiss Arms price list, which puts the PE90 at 2820 CHF or ~$3000 CAD (our GS and BS are around this price, depending on dealer/condition), so I thought it'd be a good way to estimate the price.

The SAPR is put at 4990 CHF or ~$5300 CAD, so $5000 flat might have been optimistic since I didn't bother to do the conversion when I first looked at it.

Well, a man can dream, can't he?
We are still waiting for our samples as we need them to have an 18.5" barrel (non-restricted).

Soon baby soon....


If it is 18.5" non-restricted I'll get one. A rough ETA would help me to plan how rapidly to divert funds. Looks like a nice general purpose bush gun :)

I know it's down the road a ways, but can you source the cheekpiece as well when ordering? Page 8 in the catalogue:
Not sure why its 1500 more than the .223 but if it comes in NR, the privelege of being able to shoot it off the range would be worth every penny of 1500.
Loving the influx of medium cal black rifles. XCR-M, RFB and now the SAPR. The price means I simply can't justify it, though I would like it. I'm curious what their cost breakdown is.... if it's swiss made, their employees pay/benefits will be high, the government tax will be high, materials will be both high cost and high quality, and machinery and work will be A+++. Still, $5k? There is some money in a name after all.
If I could have a non-restriced AR10, then i'd pass. But I can't, so this is the gun that fills that .308 black semi niche.

Not fond of the RFB? Or how about the XCR-M ?

The SAPR is one sweet piece and would love to make a home in my safe for her but for 5k+ kinda out of the price range and not seeing why the 1.5 more than the 556 ?
R&D as well as tooling costs I assume? I haven't heard of them getting any large military orders to offset the initial startup costs.
I'm probably missing something here but isn't the SAPR pretty much the same as say a black special just in 308. Does that justify 1.5 k per rifle in R&D etc. Im no expert by an means, so I'm probably way off in my thinking here.
The 7.62/308 was developed first but abandoned for 5.56 cool aid 20 years ago. That's the reason the 5.56 receivers are so bulky/overbuilt. It's beyond me why it has taken 3 years to bring it to market. Maybe they should take the strapped to a shark's head accuracy requirement out of the testing... :)
The 7.62/308 was developed first but abandoned for 5.56 cool aid 20 years ago. That's the reason the 5.56 receivers are so bulky/overbuilt. It's beyond me why it has taken 3 years to bring it to market. Maybe they should take the strapped to a shark's head accuracy requirement out of the testing... :)


Glad to see it "maybe"? coming to Canada. But wow $$$$.
Always wanted a black rifle in .308 and non-res but there's NO way I could talk momma into letting me get one at that price. :( I have Swiss Arms taste on a Swiss cheese budget.
Knights SR25's and such are very nice guns as well and also in this price range...and restricted.....this one's not.

By they way, SAN is doing quite well with military orders. Not any hudge 10's of thousands but quietly making many good steady sales, to special clients.

All of this talk of a $5k price tag is all just is the discussion of how good it is. Who here has shot one?....<insert crickets chirping here>....
5 pages of (mostly) flapping gums....:rolleyes::kickInTheNuts:
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