SHOT SHOW 2011 - Bushy ACR. Nobody cares anymore?

well nutnfancy said he was looking more so to the ARX-160. I think ARX-160 will be similiar price, however, being a 1/2 lighter than AR-15 is a big bonus, basically ACR capability but better.
The hitler video was the tits. lmfao.. have not laughed that hard in a while, well thought out.
The acr looks like the bees knees, too bad they screwed the pooch...
Disappointing!! I was looking forward to this rifle and was gonna sell one of my ARs to get one Now I think I will get a PWS 308 carbine from Questar instead
The asking price is far too much for a hobby grade rifle when you can have a Swiss Arms or Tavor for a comparable price, either of which is made by a reputable manufacturer instead of Bushmaster.
It is too bad Bushmaster messed everything up. It would have been a fine rifle had they not messed with and raised the price through the roof. That Hitler parody video is jokes.
Well it's no surprise really considering it's a Remington product. Remington has gone downhill for the last while. Just like the big auto makers they've decided to try con their customers into paying more and delivering less. That strategy works somewhat when times are good and people have money to throw around, but nowdays people expect value and aren't so easily duped. There is absolutely no reason a gun should cost that much, pure and simple ripping people off. Bad move on Magpul's part partnering up with Bushmaster, they must be kicking themselves.
Ha, never fails always have critics here to tell you your wrong. When I have it you will see it...Island Outfitters is where I ordered mine. Their supplier told them they are here and sent a picture of the version I will be getting.:dancingbanana:
Ha, never fails always have critics here to tell you your wrong. When I have it you will see it...Island Outfitters is where I ordered mine.

Their supplier told them they are here and sent a picture of the version I will be getting.:dancingbanana:

:cheers: Can't wait to see it, and would love to order one myself if finances permited a $3000 ? rifle...

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