new specials....

arghhh! I hate having no disposable income. Would have gobbled that takedown lever in a second.

And jdman, Facebook is for girls. That's why I have one. For the girls. That's what I go to bars and clubs for, too. For the girls. Sign up for Feminist studies: For the girls. :D
Got this reply from John today:
Q:Are those rifles fully wood/metal or some parts are plastic like on Henry levers please?
A: Metal and wood except the buttplate
This is my "facebook" I come here every day to see my friends (firearms). Lets keep facebook, twitter, etc. seperate and far away from here please.
What's the working pressure ceiling on that big lever action? (1876) Is it as strong or stronger than the Marlin 1895? I'd like to know what kind of big hairy handloads in 45-75 and 50-95 it'll handle. Looks nice, I'll be watching for some better pictures of that one.
What's the working pressure ceiling on that big lever action? (1876) Is it as strong or stronger than the Marlin 1895? I'd like to know what kind of big hairy handloads in 45-75 and 50-95 it'll handle. Looks nice, I'll be watching for some better pictures of that one.

It's a toggle link action. Basically an oversized Winchester 1873, so it wouldn't be advisable to shoot "big hairy handloads". The design, while strong enough for proper loadings of the cartridges it was chambered for, is definitely not as strong as the modern Marlin 1895.
"What's the working pressure ceiling on that big lever action?"

I think Killer Kanuck said it very well indeed.... I would love to sell you one BUT not for your planned use, simply not practical....

However if you want more bang for your buck I would suggest you have a look at the new Perdersoli 1886 which we will introduce in a few weeks, it is a much stronger action and comes in .45/70
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