
CGN frequent flyer
I got home a little late tonight and found a sticker on my front door from Canpar...

My SKS is here... for pick up (tomorrow) friday night, and i'm more excited than a kid on Christmas eve..:D

Thanks Marstar, you delivered inside of two weeks!.. and cant wait to see the package deal.

Ive been reading all I can in the red rifle section on cleaning her up, and am looking sooo foreward to it.

Just as a heads up for tomorrow night, how greasy are they out of the box?.:cheers:
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I just got mine and am new to the SKS scene myself. It was damn greasy lol. Spent the day on the net learning about cleaning and disassembly. Nice project for the weekend :) I am sure you will love it.
I had one early in my shooting career. It was SOAKED in cosmoline. I took it over to a friends place, we took it apart and wiped as much as we could off with shop rags. I think we used about a can of brake clean and hosed down all the moving parts and the bore. Put it back together and promptly went shooting.

If I recall, cosmoline came oozing out of all the nooks and crannies when it heated up from shooting it - a lot! This happened for several trips to the range and eventually after cleaning and shooting it a bunch of times, it was clean!

Good luck and have fun!

Mine was very greasy when I got it, took a thourough dissassembly to clean it up and I actually had all parts soak in a large industrial degreaser parts washer for a whole night, then took it off and let them dry hang for a day, then coated everything with gun cleaner/lube solution. The main part to be more concerned about is the firing pin and block which you really have to let soak correctly to get it really cleaned so the pin moves freely and doesn't risk sticking. Like others have said, don't be surprised to see some Cosmo come out the stock or some minor fumes from the gun the first few times you shoot it, once its seens a few range days it'll be nice and easy to keep clean.

Congrats on your purchase, Sks's are nice rifles and I think everyone should own one just cause they're cheap and milsup ammo is inexpensive so you can throw a few hundred rounds a day without looking at your wallet...;)
new sks

Mine arrived from MARSTAR earlier this week and it wasn't too greasy at all. Took me about 45 minutes and a half dozen kettles of boiling water to get 95% of the goop off and then another spray and wipedown with Remington shotgun cleaner. Then soaked everything in Remoil and Bob's-your-uncle I was done. Plan to shoot the hell out of some paper tomorrow.
If it's an unissued Chinese one, it might be really covered in cosmo. I had my wood in the oven for 3 hours at 160 degrees and was wiping off the cosmo off every 20 minutes.
Cleaning is easy. Don't make it too complicated.

Soak the metal parts in mineral spirits or varsol for about an hour. scrub with a toothbrush or some other soft brush. Dry and oil with some hoppes or rem oil.

The stock is a little trickier. Some people like to get pretty crazy here with the sanding and what not. Just wipe off the exterior of the stock with a rag and some mineral spirits. That will take the cosmo off of the surface. That's all you should need.

Thanks everyone, Ive just taken it apart and its not too bad for cosmoline except a few internal parts are heavily coated.

Looks like a good stock but is a rather crude finish so I understand why a few guys like to sand when its cleaned up.

All in all Im very happy with the rifle. She looks better than I thought she would.

I got a 4 power scope and rings with the mount but havent opened them yet, and may not for a few more days, till I get the rifle figured out.

I ordered two detach mags but only received one... hope I dont get billed for two!...:pirate:

Thanks again to you guys and Marstar for a great deal and some help with the rifle.:cheers:
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