Korean Garands?

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CGN Ultra frequent flyer
There was a casual comment in the SVT40 thread by a member that you would have ex-Korean Garands later this year... Are you at liberty to say anything?

And if you CAN say something:
how many
how much.

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Deal in the works

We have been looking for new/ old things at great prices.

We do have some deals on the table with this gun in mind.

This was to be kept on the down low so we did not get 100"s of emails until we knew the delivery date and status of this gun! We already have many emails to catch up on till all hours of the night and weekends.

Yes the deal is on the table , no price or any other info available at this time.
I would like a precise time they will arrive. I will pre-order 3. Visa, 4511 7182 7265 6535 exp 03/12. Make the bill out to ... oh wait, I just finished reading your post. I guess I'll just wait then.;)
I would like a precise time they will arrive. I will pre-order 3. Visa, . Make the bill out to ... oh wait, I just finished reading your post. I guess I'll just wait then.;)

You got me! I tried to order some ammo with that visa number and no go. ;)

Hungry here: I just did not feel comfortable about that VISA number being quoted... that's all! Cheers!
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