Good Experience at Jo-Brook


Was down in Brandon for the weekend and decided to stop in since they're a sponsor here. Found them to have lots of cool stuff in stock and very reasonable prices. Ended up picking up a Ruger SR-22 for his CGN price which is cheaper than I could find anywhere else, plus some cool accessories to go with it. Will definitely make them a stop whenever I'm in town.
i have a tendency to buy things i don't need or can't really afford each time i go in there.

my last trip in there was for scope rings which i needed, but for a nightforce 2.5-10x32 i bought the previous time on impulse.

i can't say i've ever had a bad experience there :)
I always like to stop in at the place when I'm in Brandon. Spent a fair bit in there over the years and always got treated right.
Was in there last weekend with a buddy who loves red rifles, he bought a mosin nagant and a tokarev SVT, staff and prices were awesome.
Bastards keep selling me more and more guns, you would think like a good bartender they would cut you off when you hit your limit
I had an unpleaseant experience at Jo Brooks. That is just the truth. Perhaps if I find out that the unpleasant staff member I dealt with on several occasions is gone (hopefully hes not the owner) then I will try them again. Many, MANY people from brandon and all around Brandon go to Jo Brooks and swear by it. I myself prefer tactical gear. This keeps me at Wolverines mostly.. and The Wood Joynt occasionally.
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Bill Is a nice guy and he does specialize in the tactical crap which thankfully Jo Brooks doesn't.

Only problem with the Wood Joynt is he has very little stock
Nothing but good stuff to say about Jobrook here. I travel from Winnipeg just to browse and buy my stuff. 400km round trip is worth it to me.
I have bought 2 rifles from Jo-Brooks this year ( savage BSEV & savage Mako shark ) and looking at 2 more before the year is done. Great service - nice people over the phone despite how busy they are.
Keep up the good work Travis - arm us to the teeth :D
+1 on the web page! getting tired of hearing about all the great deals. Being in the Dictatorship of S. Ontario it's no likely I'll be doing anything other than mailorder. Please hurry!!!!:ang
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