New to Canada: GM6 Lynx -50 cal Semi-auto bullpup

I can't buy a 155mm gun with ammo or a JDAM... Plus, they are too much BANG and too much BUCK... And good luck finding a range that will accept them!

A few rounds in the tracks or in the optics would inconvenience a tank or troop carrier... Most light troop carriers are vulnerable to .50 AP... Beats a 5.56 or 7.62 anyways!!
Anti Material Rifle. Whenever I hear that term tossd about it takes everything to keep my supper down. This "anti material rifle" nonsense is just plain silly and strikes me as a concept looking for a rifle to call its own. Someone please enlighten me as to what a .50 rifle can do that a 155mm round or a JDAM cannot do better and WAY more completely. Now I have nothing against this rifle, or any other rifle for that matter but the concept of a AMR should be put to rest. Lets see just how great a "anti material rifle is at knocking out a tank, BMD or BMP. Just call the rifle what it is, a rifle, even a BIG rifle at that.

A .50 rifle when deployed with a sniper team can take out enemy "material" like weapons systems (mortars, missiles, satellite dishes, soft skinned vehicles) with little collateral damage that a 155 round or a JDAM cannot do, and get into places on the back of a determined individual. Tanks and APC's are not its intended use, but it could make one a little less useful in a pinch. It is another tool in the box, has a role, and is here to stay despite you seeing a use for it.
Anti Material Rifle. Whenever I hear that term tossd about it takes everything to keep my supper down. This "anti material rifle" nonsense is just plain silly and strikes me as a concept looking for a rifle to call its own. Someone please enlighten me as to what a .50 rifle can do that a 155mm round or a JDAM cannot do better and WAY more completely. Now I have nothing against this rifle, or any other rifle for that matter but the concept of a AMR should be put to rest. Lets see just how great a "anti material rifle is at knocking out a tank, BMD or BMP. Just call the rifle what it is, a rifle, even a BIG rifle at that.

The .50 BMG round was originally designed as an anti-tank round. Of course in those days tank armour ran about half-an-inch. :p

As for what it can do now that a 155 cannot, it can be carried by a man.
Yes some people without a clear understanding of the legislation were saying it would be prohibited as a variant of the Gepard long range sniper rifle, a single shot .50 cal....... :D

Can someone explain to me the logic behind the government decision to ban the Gepard .50 sniper rifle when I can drive two miles down the road (literally!) and buy a Steyr .50 sniper rifle?

Never mind, I wrote the answer in the question: "the logic behind the government decision". :confused: :( :mad:
The Steyr did not exist at the time the banners looked through their copy of "guns of the world" and banned guns based on looks alone... If it looked military, they banned it... If it looked like a hunting gun, they did not...
Hello and greetings to the posters of 62/64 and 65. You bring some insight to the subject and thank you for posting. I have nothing against the rifle just this silly "anti material rifle" label. Yes a sniper can poke 1/2" holes in "material" and deny its use by the enemy but the concept is weak and dated, actually while it could be done it must be short list of times a .50 was used in a AMR role. Yes its another tool in the box but not a very capable one when other means are available to accomplish the job. And while some think the .50 rifle is the great game changer on the battlefield as long as the National ROE are adhered to and the systems are in place to destroy a target I would go the heavier weapon (155/JDAM) route anyday if that option is available.
Hello and greetings to the posters of 62/64 and 65. You bring some insight to the subject and thank you for posting. I have nothing against the rifle just this silly "anti material rifle" label. Yes a sniper can poke 1/2" holes in "material" and deny its use by the enemy but the concept is weak and dated, actually while it could be done it must be short list of times a .50 was used in a AMR role. Yes its another tool in the box but not a very capable one when other means are available to accomplish the job. And while some think the .50 rifle is the great game changer on the battlefield as long as the National ROE are adhered to and the systems are in place to destroy a target I would go the heavier weapon (155/JDAM) route anyday if that option is available.

Modern urban battlefields are an excellent example of where the .50 in an AMR role is very fitting, and like you pointed out, ROE's would prohibit the use of JDAMs and 155 rounds. There is a reason why it has come into its' own in the past few years and has proliferated versus abandoning the idea like during WWII and throughout the Cold War when destroying whole grid squares was considered modern warfare. The concept is not dated, but rather reborn with its new role and need in a role that nothing else can meet (precision man portable immediate Anti-Material firepower). We are fighting battles that require surgical control not offered by big guns, and in places that you can't take or deploy other weapons systems. This is where the .50 has carved out a niche.
Is anyone here looking at buying one for it's tactical role in modern warfare?

Mine would certainly be an AMR, where the M is mostly paper. For me though, the better classification would probably be BFG.
I'm very interested in that gun. But I would still like to see one in person and handle it a bit before buying. maybe even take a few shots with it if at all possible, but at least holding it to see if I like the feel of it... Some rifles look very nice but feel horrible in my hands!

Also, I brought up the actual delay between ordering and receiving the gun because I've been burned before with rifles that took years to actually be imported after an order...
I can't buy a 155mm gun with ammo or a JDAM... Plus, they are too much BANG and too much BUCK... And good luck finding a range that will accept them!

A few rounds in the tracks or in the optics would inconvenience a tank or troop carrier... Most light troop carriers are vulnerable to .50 AP... Beats a 5.56 or 7.62 anyways!!

"Hello Homestead executives, now on what lane should I drop my JDAM? Promise to use the airbrake too!"

We have asked the manufacturer about barrel life, barrel replacement cost and cost for spare mags. We will get back to you on this.

Every GM6 Lynx comes standard with a spare parts kit and extra mag.

Different finishes are available.

Ok we heard back from the manufacturer:

-The lifetime of the barrel is 5000 rds. (If 50 BMG costs $5/round, figure $25,000 in ammo costs)

-Replacement barrel price is 1100 Euros (The replacement barrel consists of barrel, breech and muzzle break)

-Spare magazines are 250 Euros
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