Pietta 1851 Colt Replica defect?


CGN Regular

Just wondering here about the Colt 1851 Pietta replica in .44 Nickel and gold

I just recieved mine in the mail and the nickel is flaking off in big chunks of foil. Having never owned one of these before is this normal? It seems fine undernieth however with big chunks of foil coming off you can understand my concern. Please advise. All l have done is wipe the packing oil off with a soft cloth and this is what I got.

Well at this point it does not look like it needs to be replaced. The foil came off of almost everything but under it is a layer of what looks to be pristine Nickel. That is why I was not sure if this was normal. Like I said I have never owned one of these revolvers before. It is a very nice revolver otherwise and still looks nice.

The revolver should be packed up and sent back to us by parcel post for replacement....Include all " the flaking"

It would appear that the metal surfaces were contaminated before the final plating....

Please include the invoice number, or the approximate date of purchase....

Now thatz customer service & yet another reason why I love shopping at Marstar.
Okay, Will do John. I appreciate your quick response, one of the reasons I love dealing with Marstar. Didn't want to bother you if it was some kind of protective coating. I will pack it up and send it back to you Monday. I am upset at this really being a defect however Marstar is still No.#1 in my books for making good on it. It is a really good looking revolver, has this happened a lot? or am I a part of a small few?
I think you are in the minority on it. But even if your gun is normal, and it may be it if is actually nickel underneath, it is best to have the man look at it, as he will know for certain what is on the up and up.
Over the past ten years we have experienced less than half a dozen incedents of plating issues.
As you know when plating an item one must observe absolute cleanliness, even oily finger prints can cause the plating to not adhere properly....

Regardless let us have a look at the revolver and see what happened, we will cover all shipping costs.... Send parcel post insurend.

Thanks John. Just lucky on my part then I suppose. I have sent a request for an RMA # to marstar (I do need one even if I am just exchanging, correct?) This is why Marstar is my favourite gun dealer, if it is not right you make good on it. Thanks to everyone at Marstar I am still a very satisfied customer. OH thanks everyone for your comments as well, of course you are correct and I will send the revolver back to John to have a look at. The situation was a little weird so I thought it was best to ask, especially with the knowledge available on CGN.
And this is why I will be getting another 1897 from him for my Pa, and hopefully a Pedersoli (just need to rent out an organ).
Received my replacement revolver in the mail yesterday. I am very Pleased with it. Thanks John, I appreciate your taking care of this for me. I love that ironclad guarantee.

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