Non-Restricted ACR's

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I'm prettty sure that is going to be on the 'back burner' for quite some time. They'll have enough trouble filling demand for 16.5" ACR's down south, not to mention previously promised 'calibre conversions' which don't exist. :)

Cranking out 18.6" barreled ACR's to a small market is probably not high on the priority list.
Buy an ACR from the states, import it, and send it to a smith to have a custom 18.6" barrel made. Boom. Less than $3K. I can assure you they exist!!!

Questar has already said they are NOT importing any more.
Buy an ACR from the states, import it, and send it to a smith to have a custom 18.6" barrel made. Boom. Less than $3K. I can assure you they exist!!!

Questar has already said they are NOT importing any more.

Am I wrong but I thought they were commanding quite a price down there right now too? If you can get one?

Ether way.....good luck under $3000......not gonna happen.
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