Non-Restricted ACR's

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bump for this... that'd be sweet

In talking to the Bushmaster rep at SHOT this year, it sounds like the ACR 7.62x39 conversion will be a long time out.

He didn't say anything concrete at all, but gave me the impression that it would be "years".

He cited poor magazine designs in that caliber as one of the main reasons, however I suspect there is more at play there.

5.56 / .223 and 6.8 SPC seem to be the only ACR calibres that bushmaster / remington are "running" with for now.
If we can get an export permit to allow export of the stock from the US to Canada then we'll bring them in.


Hi Mark, do you guys have the export permits yet for the folding stocks? why the heck do you need an export permit for importing stocks? some silly rules going on here.

but anyway, would be great if you could get them in! :) thanks guys
Hi Mark, do you guys have the export permits yet for the folding stocks? why the heck do you need an export permit for importing stocks? some silly rules going on here.

but anyway, would be great if you could get them in! :) thanks guys

We've been trying to source the stocks for months... None of our US Distributors have them or can even order them from Bushmaster. Though Bushmaster shows them on their website for sale, trying to actually get them is hopeless.

During the past 5 months it's been as if Bushmaster has stepped back from the commercial ACR market. Inventory that was in the US supply chain (last fall) has dried up. Here in Canada Gravel assured dealers last fall that they would have a new shipment of ACR's arriving in Canada before the end of November 2011... that shipment never arrived.

Most US Distributors were expecting shipments of ACR's to arrive last November and December... in fact rumours were that there would be a price decrease at that time which is supposedly why the inventory was allowed to dry up (to empty the supply chain)... Gravel told us the same thing (that a price reduction was in the works)... but the price drop never came (in the US or Canada) and neither did the product shipments.

Bushmaster has been incredibly closed mouth about all of this. We deal with some of the largest US Firearms Distributors and none of them have a single ACR in their inventory nor do any of them have any idea when (or if) they will see any.

Whatever Bushmaster is planning they aren't telling anyone. If I had to guess I don't believe they've abandoned the gun... I believe they are making modifications to address some of the issues and concerns that were expressed in the initial release and that a revised model will be released at a lower price. When that will happen is anyone's guess. Until then all we can do is wait.

We've been trying to source the stocks for months... None of our US Distributors have them or can even order them from Bushmaster. Though Bushmaster shows them on their website for sale, trying to actually get them is hopeless.

During the past 5 months it's been as if Bushmaster has stepped back from the commercial ACR market. Inventory that was in the US supply chain (last fall) has dried up. Here in Canada Gravel assured dealers last fall that they would have a new shipment of ACR's arriving in Canada before the end of November 2011... that shipment never arrived.

Most US Distributors were expecting shipments of ACR's to arrive last November and December... in fact rumours were that there would be a price decrease at that time which is supposedly why the inventory was allowed to dry up (to empty the supply chain)... Gravel told us the same thing (that a price reduction was in the works)... but the price drop never came (in the US or Canada) and neither did the product shipments.

Bushmaster has been incredibly closed mouth about all of this. We deal with some of the largest US Firearms Distributors and none of them have a single ACR in their inventory nor do any of them have any idea when (or if) they will see any.

Whatever Bushmaster is planning they aren't telling anyone. If I had to guess I don't believe they've abandoned the gun... I believe they are making modifications to address some of the issues and concerns that were expressed in the initial release and that a revised model will be released at a lower price. When that will happen is anyone's guess. Until then all we can do is wait.


Thanks for the reply, Mark. Now I'm thinking, should I hold off on buying an ACR?! I don't know... thanks again, guess we just have to wait.
damn they just had an ACR for sale but sold pretty quick (in black though). I talked to the importer for the bushmaster products and they say ACRs are on back order and we won't see any until maybe july/august.... and they will be black... I just don't understand why they don't get the tan model, maybe it's too popular in the US and people are buying them up.

I would like one in tan but doens't look like we'll see any. I'll just it armacoated, I give up.
damn they just had an ACR for sale but sold pretty quick (in black though). I talked to the importer for the bushmaster products and they say ACRs are on back order and we won't see any until maybe july/august.... and they will be black... I just don't understand why they don't get the tan model, maybe it's too popular in the US and people are buying them up.

I would like one in tan but doens't look like we'll see any. I'll just it armacoated, I give up.

When you say "the importer" I'm guessing you're talking about Gravel... Just so we're clear, we imported our ACR's directly from the U.S. as opposed to working through a Canadian wholesaler. Last Septemeber/October we did offer to purchase some units from Gravel, who promised us and other dealers that they would deliver ACR's by end of last November... we gave them a PO for a quantity of guns... not a single unit was ever delivered. They have never even given an explanation for why the delay.

I am doubtful of their July/August estimate. Regardless, I would expect inventory to be available in the US before any ships to Canada and if that is indeed the case then we'll have product before Gravel receives their shipment. Right now there simply aren't any ACR's in stock at any US Distributors. If FDE/Tan becomes available we'll import them but at the moment we can't get them, regardless of colour.
When you say "the importer" I'm guessing you're talking about Gravel... Just so we're clear, we imported our ACR's directly from the U.S. as opposed to working through a Canadian wholesaler. Last Septemeber/October we did offer to purchase some units from Gravel, who promised us and other dealers that they would deliver ACR's by end of last November... we gave them a PO for a quantity of guns... not a single unit was ever delivered. They have never even given an explanation for why the delay.

I am doubtful of their July/August estimate. Regardless, I would expect inventory to be available in the US before any ships to Canada and if that is indeed the case then we'll have product before Gravel receives their shipment. Right now there simply aren't any ACR's in stock at any US Distributors. If FDE/Tan becomes available we'll import them but at the moment we can't get them, regardless of colour.

I am new to cgn... and already i thank you for all your tireless work no matter the outcome some times, and i know these things can take time... sometimes, more than we as owners, enthusiasts, smiths, and company's like. So again thank you, if it wasn't for people like you we wouldn't have half the stuff we do. On a lighter note is there a way i can be notified if a order of tan acrs comes in with folding stocks if possible? Or tan with with the option to order a tan folder? Thanks for your imput.
When you say "the importer" I'm guessing you're talking about Gravel... Just so we're clear, we imported our ACR's directly from the U.S. as opposed to working through a Canadian wholesaler. Last Septemeber/October we did offer to purchase some units from Gravel, who promised us and other dealers that they would deliver ACR's by end of last November... we gave them a PO for a quantity of guns... not a single unit was ever delivered. They have never even given an explanation for why the delay.

I am doubtful of their July/August estimate. Regardless, I would expect inventory to be available in the US before any ships to Canada and if that is indeed the case then we'll have product before Gravel receives their shipment. Right now there simply aren't any ACR's in stock at any US Distributors. If FDE/Tan becomes available we'll import them but at the moment we can't get them, regardless of colour.

oh ok, obviously I didn't understand. I thought you guys brought them in through Gravel... still learning! but thank you for the clarification.

Questar can still import the accessories right? like folding stock, quad rail, stuff like that... is that correct?
oh ok, obviously I didn't understand. I thought you guys brought them in through Gravel... still learning! but thank you for the clarification.

Questar can still import the accessories right? like folding stock, quad rail, stuff like that... is that correct?

If we could get them we could import them but getting them is the issue. Bushmaster has been advertising the accessories on their own website for a while now, but they don't seem to be actually shipping them to dealers and in many cases retail customers are having issues getting their orders filled as well. There is no explanation from Bushmaster on why this is.

The various Bushmaster Distributors in the US seem totally unable to even get wholesale pricing from Bushmaster on the accessory items, let alone inventory.

We've been beating our heads against the wall since last year trying to get ACR's and accessories. I can only imagine that Gravel is having the same issues that all the other distributors are having, except for Gravel it's worse because they have to get Bushmaster to build them special "export" versions of the guns in order to comply with Bushmaster's export permit and that means more work and more cost so it only makes sense that Bushmaster would want to address their domestic orders first, and that adds to their delays.
I think we all need to take a moment and remind ourselves where all this went wrong with Shrubmaster. Youtube has it all on tape!

If we could get them we could import them but getting them is the issue. Bushmaster has been advertising the accessories on their own website for a while now, but they don't seem to be actually shipping them to dealers and in many cases retail customers are having issues getting their orders filled as well. There is no explanation from Bushmaster on why this is.

The various Bushmaster Distributors in the US seem totally unable to even get wholesale pricing from Bushmaster on the accessory items, let alone inventory.

We've been beating our heads against the wall since last year trying to get ACR's and accessories. I can only imagine that Gravel is having the same issues that all the other distributors are having, except for Gravel it's worse because they have to get Bushmaster to build them special "export" versions of the guns in order to comply with Bushmaster's export permit and that means more work and more cost so it only makes sense that Bushmaster would want to address their domestic orders first, and that adds to their delays.
If we could get them we could import them but getting them is the issue. Bushmaster has been advertising the accessories on their own website for a while now, but they don't seem to be actually shipping them to dealers and in many cases retail customers are having issues getting their orders filled as well. There is no explanation from Bushmaster on why this is.

The various Bushmaster Distributors in the US seem totally unable to even get wholesale pricing from Bushmaster on the accessory items, let alone inventory.

We've been beating our heads against the wall since last year trying to get ACR's and accessories. I can only imagine that Gravel is having the same issues that all the other distributors are having, except for Gravel it's worse because they have to get Bushmaster to build them special "export" versions of the guns in order to comply with Bushmaster's export permit and that means more work and more cost so it only makes sense that Bushmaster would want to address their domestic orders first, and that adds to their delays.

what a crazy industry!! demand is so high, can't produce enough to sustain demand, it's amazing, I don't know what other type of industry has the same issues lol

I should get into the business of manufacturing firearms, I"d have no shortage of work thats for sure ;)
what a crazy industry!! demand is so high, can't produce enough to sustain demand, it's amazing, I don't know what other type of industry has the same issues lol

I should get into the business of manufacturing firearms, I"d have no shortage of work thats for sure ;)

Right now the US Firearms industry is in that unusual situation... but I don't believe that is the problem with the ACR.

In so far as the Bushmaster ACR's are concerned, it's not that US distributors aren't getting enough product to fill their backorders, it's more that they aren't getting ANY product... Bushmaster isn't making the product or shipping it in any real quantity, especially the accessories... almost like they produced a small number so they could claim it exists, but then stopped making/shipping them and never really shipped many in the first place.

In speaking with several of the largest distributors in the US (these guys carry everything from just about every US manufacturer) and they say they haven't seen any ACR shipments since middle of last year... not even trickles.

As for the rest of the industry and the current product shortages, that's a real problem. Demand right now is overwhelming most manufacturers but that demand is being driven by the current political concerns. If a company goes out and spends huge money to increase capacity (which still takes time to ramp up) they will be in bigger trouble later when the demand falls off after the political forces driving the demand disappear. The last time this happened a lot of companies went out and spent big money on more equipment only to be faced with huge financial losses when the demand fell off... it's a catch 22.
might just have to buy the PWS carbines instead. There is an ACR for sale on EE, and someone I know is selling his as well, but if it's going to be difficult (or near impossible) to get parts for it, I think I'll pass - at least until the supply can be met and bushmaster wakes up.
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