Camouflage gun work video

What would the cost be for the one that was dipped in the video?? for something about the same size ect?
@haha49 - the cost to do a standard rifle stock is $155, CGN members receive a 10% discount to make it $139.50 price does not include return shipping and applicable taxes.

@gravyboat - The stock goes through a degreasing process, sanded, primed, then base coated. At this point the stock is ready for the dipping process. After it is dipped it gets the final top coat applied. We perform all work in a engineered environment and QC checks are done throughout the process to ensure proper adhesion and minimize pattern distortion.

@Stevefrench - to do a complete standard hunting rifle (stock, barrel and action) the cost is $260. To process a set of 4, 15" wheels would be $86/rim. CGN members again would receive 10% off, pricing does not include return shipping and applicable taxes.
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