AN SKS for $75.

The thing that is different about these milsurp rifles; they are not in "like new" condition" they "are new and un issued".

For those that are too young to remember the Eighties, there have not been many deals of new unissued surplus in any quantities since.For those in the SKS market, there are lots of rifles on the market, but very rare to find unissued rifles, especially for the price.
LOL @ the toaster... I'll throw in a couple of boxes of ammo "for her", get her hooked on shooting.

Also, strangely, and I seem to agree with this concept: Everyone I have asked has said that, if someone asks you to be best man at the wedding, they are essentially asking you to participate (out of your own free will) in a ceremony THEY want to undertake (not something you are doing for your own benefit), and thus that they are expected to pay for the tux rental since they want you there. (not saying I didn't want to be there, at least at first :p)

This has been the story I hear from everyone. My mother is a hairstylist and we have asked the majority of her clients, and they all said the same thing: Brides family pays, or the groom pays for his hombres. All my friends have said the same (the ones that participated in weddings). Just saying.....

Guess it's diff in diff places ,wife said every one she took part in was everyone pays ,best man and brides maids,either way cutlery might not be the best idea ,the are married now and the gloves are off!
Nevertheless... I think I'd rather keep the SKS and just get him some nice cutlery. :D

Pillows or something that won't hurt so much when she hits him with it!
my wife made me promise, years ago, that if I got guns, she got diamonds. Well, a ring and a pair of earrings later, I get one :) Not bad for my first gun... can't quite describe how excited I am.
Hmmmmm the fecal matter is going to hit the fan at my place. The wife said im not allowed to buy any new guns unitl I get a new dish washer ....... When I started to say that she was the new dish washer ...... It was the wrong thing to say.

Take it from a guy who has been with the same woman for over 15yrs........

One word......... VISA.

Solves ALOT of problems like this........ :D

Dishwasher, Crate(s) of ammo, Couple of rifles, New safe....... Pay for it for the next 5 or 16 months...... :eek:

Next time she asks for a dishwasher, just go get her one! $250 is a small price to pay to let her know she matters........ I have found that it is usally easier to just go get her what she thinks she needs (when it comes to household stuff) than listen to her make noise about how we need 'this or that' untill you do.

Shouldn't that mean you get two? :D

three by my count- and I don't own any guns YET.

Even better- now my wife is thinking that she might be interested in getting into shooting, so the deal may in fact become: Every time I buy a gun, I buy TWO so she has one as well... this could be dangerous for the pocket book
Dishwasher, Crate(s) of ammo, Couple of rifles, New safe....... Pay for it for the next 5 or 16 months...... :eek:

You do that and a $75 SKS becomes a $200-400 SKS easily.

IMO, better to have the cash on hand and take 1 month to pay it off than space it out over 5-16.

Also, sorry Calgary guys. The hassle of handling the shipping of it all is too much for me. I'm out.
my wife made me promise, years ago, that if I got guns, she got diamonds. Well, a ring and a pair of earrings later, I get one :) Not bad for my first gun... can't quite describe how excited I am.

SH*T,You got off lucky.I made the mistake of getting my wife into shooting.Me a couple of old sporter L-E to rebuild.Her a Schofield.Me a SVT-40.Her a "73 Winchester.Me a 1860 Colt Army.Her another Schofield so she could have a set.I'm just glad that she isn't into Milsurp rifles that much or she would cast her eye over my gun safes and the shelves at Marstar would be bare and I would be in the poor house.Hey wait, that wouldn't be so bad,just think of all the cool stuff to be had.
John is on Vactaion for the next month try calling Marstar directly.
I'm a little curious about how they are doing business with John gone. I made the order a week and a half ago for this deal. Sent my payment info a full week ago.. Not heard anything back, no email replies.
Im starting to wonder.. I call and no one picked up?
Marstar, whats up, finished processing my order?!:confused:

EDIT: Got ahold of Marstar today, and she informed me my order shipped this morning. I also received the tracking info from the respective couriers. Sometimes you just gotta chill and wait!

Thanks Marstar, can't wait to mate this SKS with my other one and see if smaller ones pop out!
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OMG I hate you guys (not really)! You're tugging at the responsibility portion of my brain... I have other priorities to take care of... Bahhhh! Shame on you! :p
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