Have a little shipping problem

Dont feel bad, I ordered some stuff from Numrich, cost 10 bucks and 32 to ship. You want it, you pay it, you get it. The joys of living far from everything I want to buy.

Business need proof of delivery, a fallback if stuff gets lost. Thats the way it works, you didn't know the pieces were small when you paid the shipping?
1st i will do that
2nd the package was way bigger than the bayonet it self by bigger i mean you could fit 9 other bayonets in there
3rd no didnt verify it but obviously no mistake here by CP cause John refunded 2.80 LOL
and yes i know that 2.80 is nothing but TELUS did the same thing with their costumers. .25 cent is nothing but when you have 1000 costumers that got overcharged "BY MISTAKE" its 250$ lol im gonna drop this argument
Dont feel bad, I ordered some stuff from Numrich, cost 10 bucks and 32 to ship. You want it, you pay it, you get it. The joys of living far from everything I want to buy.

Business need proof of delivery, a fallback if stuff gets lost. Thats the way it works, you didn't know the pieces were small when you paid the shipping?

I ordered from Numrich a few times and even though their site says $32 for international orders, they only charged me around $10 each time.

Most US companies do have limits as when a tracking number is required $35, 50 or so.

Yes, I worked in customer service but I wasn't aware that 3 out of 4 people on this site are crooks and thieves and would actually claim
to have never received the package.
Yes, I worked in customer service but I wasn't aware that 3 out of 4 people on this site are crooks and thieves and would actually claim
to have never received the package.

Miss-use of numbers to try to discredit my logic. nice.
I never gave an "x out of y" gen pop statement, I said for every person who is honest you have 4 dishonest people trying to screw the system. As we are referring to the shipping policy of a company, we are not talking general population, we are talking abut the type of people attracted by cheap, non signature insured shipping.

Therefore lets now fix your post...
Yes, I worked in customer service but I wasn't aware that 4 out of 5 people attracted by "no signature required" shipping are crooks and thieves and would actually claim to have never received the package.


Deagle after the 9 bayonets are in the box how much room left for packing to keep your k-98 bayonet from having being damaged while making its way to you?

Also I'm not arguing with you, I just don't see how posting a problem with a company for all to see is wise or justified without having all the proof necessary. You are basically telling us that marstar shouldn't be trusted, and that they are out to stick it to us, yet you have no proof that you can show us. Libel is not something you want to be known for, makes you look like a real a-hole. Get proof and then complain, works better, and people listen.
This is totally not true, close to BS, stop hijacking my threat.

Many companies have a policy as I described above, inside and outside Canada. It's understandable for high value items but most people are honest (maybe not you) and it works for both parties.

I draw my conclusion anyway and won't order small stuff from Marstar anymore.
"john i havnt got my invoice yet "

In that case how did you know the specific overcharge was in the CP line ??

How about my friendly wager ?? come on its for a good cause

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