TNW Suomi and PPSH-41

marstar = $1600

j & g sales (USA) = $430
http://w w,-16.25in.-p-3889.html

I know it costs more in canada but that much difference? I wanted one, but this puts me off.
that is a pretty drastic increase. I have to say I have no experience with import/export but my god. That must be a dandy amount of paperwork.

eat $150-200 extra? sure. $300-400? I'll pass. $1100? No thanks. Keep it.
I'll take you up on that offer. :)

I am pretty sure it is a mistake... Marstar sells SKSs for $75, I doubt they would have a 1100 dollar mark up on this rifle.

And also, notice it says sold out... who bought them at that price? And without him ever posting here that they were in....
"marstar = $1600"
Obviously an entry error.... We apologize....

"j & g sales (USA) = $430"
As we discussed many times in the past few months, it was our intention to import these and offer them at about the same price as sold in the US.... The manufacturer did not agree with our low price offering and decided to go with another firm for the sale of these....

I hope this will answer all the questions we have received in the last few days....
Thanks John for sticking with your practice of reasonable pricing. I was a buyer at your price but not after just seeing what the new distributor wants.
Wow, that's gotta be a piss off, eh John? You negotiate and negotiate and they basically just grab their ball and say "Screw you guy's. I'm going home."

I bet whatever company they decided to go with is going to be selling them for STUPID prices...
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