CZ 858 Magwell adapters.

The B&T AG Mag Well adapters are in Customs, not sure if we will see them before Christmas but they are “In Country”. Price Is $185.00 as soon as they are here they will be entered onto our web page and you will be able to purchase them on line.
In the meantime I though you would like to see the following:


This does not look like a DIY with a Dremel.
There appears to be some serious material that has to be removed.

Any reputable machinists in Ontario that can do this?

What kind of warranty, if any is provided with this adapter?
Wow, that looks well outta my league for home modification.

I'm hoping John can chime in on the mod's required.

To be honest if the rifle needs to be sent out that makes me rethink the adapter.

185 for the piece is one thing but sending the rifle out for work to get it fitted in addition to the purchase price would honestly be a deal breaker for me.
pardon my noobness , but a magwelll adapter would allow us to carry more then the legal limit?

No, because the legal limit is the legal limit, and no one on this website is advocating breaking any laws.

Rifle magazines for semi-autos are limited to 5 rounds. Rifle magazines for rimfires, even if semi auto, are not limited, and you could have a 100rd drum if they can be made to work well enough, but most stick with 25 round magazines. Bolt action and pump rifles are not limited by the law, but usually have limited capacity anyway.

Handgun capacities are 10 rounds, regardless if it's centerfire or rimfire. This causes some problems for a couple of rimfires, because there are handgun variants of two rifles, the Charger and the S&W 1522.

It just so happens there are some handgun magazines that will fit on some rifles...with 10 round capacities, and these are specifically listed as legal by the RCMP for civilian gun owners to own and use.

Keep in mind, just about all other countries that allow civilians to own such rifles, like the USA, NewZealand, Switzerland, Finland, Norway...they don't restrict the magazine capacities, and so 25 and 30 round magazines are the norm for civilian ownership.

Rifles similar to the VZ58 are often used in competitions that require higher capacities than our rifle laws allow. However by using this adapter, and using pistol magazines, now Canadians can participate in this growing sport at the global level, legally.

But again, NO ONE IS BREAKING THE LAW in this thread.
Makes the 'stripper clip reload' actually MEAN something...
Interesting concept.

Need to bear in mind, the only reason the rifle is so cheap, is because of the #'s involved.
If the mag well increases your "combat effectiveness", why wouldn't you strap it onto a $170 gun...?

I run $600 optics, on my $250 shotgun, because of the increase in effectiveness.

All a matter of perspective, and what you NEED your pistol/rifle/shotgun to do, I guess....
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" It is not worth it, to make a $190 mag kit for a $170 rifle. "

Yeah right. Do you know how many people buy expensive ad-ons for SKS rifles?

Tapco stocks, tapco mags, sights, optics, rails, bipods, etc.

I've seen a few SKS that must have easily been worth more than a grand with all of the add-ons. Ten-round magazine capacity would sell huge.

And keep in mind you would only need to buy one XCR magazine. Then you just load with ten round stripper clips.
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