Thanks To John & Marstar


New member
Just wanted to let people know how my order went with Marstar.
This was my first online order for firearms anything, before this well.. i was gunshy about ordering anything online.
I read through alot of different forums and checked out I dont know how many websites before I made my purchase.
What finally sold me on taking a chance with Marstar was that crazy thread with the pistol and about 30 pages of back and forth. Johns solution from the very start sounded reasonable to me. Marstars warranty (right on their site) is something wrong? We will stand behind what we sell. I like that and how he handled it. Send it back, get replacement part,gun or refund. How can you ask for more than that?

I called Marstar and talked to very pleasant guy (french dude forget his name) and placed an order for the $75 SKS, with the ammo 1400 rounds.
he took all the info and that was that.
I think that as Nov. 9 or maybe 10th. and on Nov 17th there was my SKS. AND wow it is it ever a nice rifle.All serial numbers on it (all over it every part basically) matching. Never used, just sweet all around.
On monday according to the email notifications from the shipping comp. I will be recieving my 1400rounds. looking forward to that too!
Gives me time this weekend to clean up the SKS.

So from start to finish with all the paperwork they have to do I am very very happy with my purchase.

John you guys are doing a great job and I like that i can see stuff even if you dont have it in stock. Gives me something to drool about!!

Now for the only negative I had. And let me say first it in NO WAY should keep anyone from buying from Marstar. After i placed my order, I didnt hear anything else till I got the canada post email telling me my package was on the way. At that point I didnt know how much shipping was going to cost total, but I had done some calculations and had a rough idea how much it would be.
With the SKS paperwork was my invoice and it was LESS than i thought it would be. SO AGAIN JOHN & MARSTAR GREAT JOB.

I will be ordering from them again, in fact, my wife when she saw the SKS decided she wanted one too,... so john I will be calling you guys on mon or tues again. :)

the only thing that John could possibly do to make his service better would be to send say a confirmation email when they got the total for shipping, taxes etc.

Marstar 9 1/2 out of 10 stars.
Keep up the great work and anyone who is hesitant about buying from them I will say stop hesitating and give them a call.

Ps. Just for anyone who wants to know the total for 1400rds $ sks with shipping and taxes (Im in Ontario) was $475
The person you talked with was most likely Frank.

I have recently had some good dealings with the people at Marstar myself, when I was looking for some 1919a4(C5) parts. Very nice people.
Their a great group, never had any issues with them. Got some good products.

If you've never used that ammo before, make sure you clean the sks very thouroughly, paying special attentio to the gas tube, piston and where the tube meets the port. Rust city otherwise.


I have ordered a couple of times from Marstar and only have nothing but good experience. I was treated with courtesy and respect. There are no hesitation to order from them again, because of the people and the service.
wow you guys are lucky I've had nothing but sorry "BULL ####" ... from Marstar AND I CANT WAIT FOR you fellows to go on about how good they are ...... they have poor communication and I have contacted them SEVERAL times for this YEAR. by PHONE OMG BY THE PHONE YEAH!!! what everyone says they respond to hahaha.... HAHAHHA!!!!! IM absolutely done with them Move onto ammo source they are amazing ... i cant believe these guys at marstar they are a bunch of re rees DEE OH EN EE "DONE" HI IM MARSTAR LETS OFFER A NORINCO HAND GUNs THAT COME WITH 2 MAGAZINES AND TAKE OUT ONE OF THEM CHARGE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE AND SELL THE OTHER MAGS SEPARATELY hahahahhahahahaha done...
Well if he talks on the phone like he types it's no wonder nobody understands him. I am waiting for the gun I want to be in stock to place a order.
Yes, Marstar rocks, and they rock since several decades now...

There are just not enough firearms businesses around with such a great record.

The secret to success is, you have to call in your order (that's why they have a toll free number for), online ordering is not that great.
wow you guys are lucky I've had nothing but sorry "BULL s**t" ... from Marstar AND I CANT WAIT FOR you fellows to go on about how good they are ...... they have poor communication and I have contacted them SEVERAL times for this YEAR. by PHONE OMG BY THE PHONE YEAH!!! what everyone says they respond to hahaha.... HAHAHHA!!!!! IM absolutely done with them Move onto ammo source they are amazing ... i cant believe these guys at marstar they are a bunch of re rees DEE OH EN EE "DONE" HI IM MARSTAR LETS OFFER A NORINCO HAND GUNs THAT COME WITH 2 MAGAZINES AND TAKE OUT ONE OF THEM CHARGE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE AND SELL THE OTHER MAGS SEPARATELY hahahahhahahahaha done...

Wow, what an interesting reply, did you ever read it before posting?

You should ask your Mom to proof read it for you ...

I am sorry If I am wrong, and it turns out that you are not a 15 year old kid. In this case however, you should drop the bottle....
Hey, my experience with marstar had a rough start, but John and his crew made up for it. By the way, I ordered an np-22 sig clone, and couldn't be happier with the condition of my norinc.

I would order again from john, but I agree their communication is weak.
wow you guys are lucky I've had nothing but sorry "BULL s**t" ... from Marstar AND I CANT WAIT FOR you fellows to go on about how good they are ...... they have poor communication and I have contacted them SEVERAL times for this YEAR. by PHONE OMG BY THE PHONE YEAH!!! what everyone says they respond to hahaha.... HAHAHHA!!!!! IM absolutely done with them Move onto ammo source they are amazing ... i cant believe these guys at marstar they are a bunch of re rees DEE OH EN EE "DONE" HI IM MARSTAR LETS OFFER A NORINCO HAND GUNs THAT COME WITH 2 MAGAZINES AND TAKE OUT ONE OF THEM CHARGE THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE AND SELL THE OTHER MAGS SEPARATELY hahahahhahahahaha done...

Wow what a tool you are. Surrey bc, by any chance you learn about time zones before calling them? Their phones are open from 8-12 and 1-4 EST from monday to friday. which means it should be about 5am-9am 10am-1pm PST
That being said, you probably don't crawl out of your parents basement till about 1pm your time so you will never be able to talk to them on the phone, Lucky marstar.

Also you shouldn't procreate the gene pool is already contaminated enough we don't need another turd floating around in it. Although from the looks of it you smoke enough weed to prevent that from ever happening any ways.
Just an update :)
My wife just called and our ammo just arrived :)

Also just talked to Frank and put in my second order.

Good times, Gotta love a wife who likes this stuff as much as i do.

Thanks Again guys.

oh yeah, for those haters out there..WTF are you talking about not being able to talk to someone at Marstar. Every time I have called, I get someone right away...... and John seems to be on here like once a day at least and takes care of his customers,... even the idiots.... Do you people who complain have a hard time with TIME ZONES & hours of operation?
Did you maybe miss that day in kindergarden when they taught you how to read a clock? Maybe you should invest in digital if the hands thing is too big a concept for your primitive brains... or .. no wait... I dont think you should have firearms if you cannot understand something that simple... Never mind.. if your IQ is that low, just keep complaining... gives me something to chuckle over....
Thank you for your support, it is appreciated....

I beleive it is said that we should be kind to people who are challenged in one way or another....

It is obvious that this person has issues, perhaps a little too much of the good BC agricultural products.. ??

Thank you for your support, it is appreciated....

I beleive it is said that we should be kind to people who are challenged in one way or another....

It is obvious that this person has issues, perhaps a little too much of the good BC agricultural products.. ??


Hey I ordered an sks and ammo like 3 weeks ago and want to know when ill get it I'm in ontario and my credit card hasn't been charged yet either

As I have have requested many times, if you want action taken please provide your name and if possible your ordr number....

Our data base does not show any orders for S.KNAPPETT....

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