Still importing SKS-D's?

"J" man

Hi John,

I'm interested in an SKS-D. I believe you used to import them in the past, do you still have plans to import them in the near future? It's not easy finding them anymore, and maybe you could let us know whether they're still available for import these days.

On a side note, I've seen some nice looking surplus SKS "jungle stocks" floating around the internet (mostly in the states)! I believe they're fiberglass (redish/brown in appearance). I bet those would sell very well.

Thanks John,
"J" man
That shux!

Would it be worth my time to modify a regular SKS to take AK mags? I'm sure there must be something out there. I think reliability might take a hit on the mod, can any1 speak to this? And no, I'm not a fan of those crappy duckbill mags floating around.
SKS-Ds are no longer made, as for the fiberglass stocks sksman ships to Canada.

Do you have to screw around with import/export licneses to get it into Canada, never ordered anything outside of Canada mainly to avoid any hassles like this.
Would it be worth my time to modify a regular SKS to take AK mags? I'm sure there must be something out there. I think reliability might take a hit on the mod, can any1 speak to this? And no, I'm not a fan of those crappy duckbill mags floating around.

I saw a how to on scribd once, never tried it since I didn't want to ruin my sks if it failed.
Do you have to screw around with import/export licneses to get it into Canada, never ordered anything outside of Canada mainly to avoid any hassles like this.

nope, just order online or if you call he (Paul) will ask you to order online as he had a stroke about 2 years ago or so. Myself and many guys here order from him without a problem, just keep your order under $100 , shipping isn't bad neither.
nope, just order online or if you call he (Paul) will ask you to order online as he had a stroke about 2 years ago or so. Myself and many guys here order from him without a problem, just keep your order under $100 , shipping isn't bad neither.

Thanks for the tip.
I am thinking of selling my unfired SKS-D along with an unopened wooden crate of ammo. On account of the ammo I suppose it would have to be a local pickup in the GTA area.

What would a fair price be?
I modded my Chinese 56 SKS and use both Tapco and Promag magazines...No issues at all...I am in love with my SKS and now my CZ is maybe going to get dressed up a bit too....Maybe cos she's a sweetheart as is...
I've got 4 D's (couple of unfired, no bayonet) + 1 M (Monte Carlo stock) and the last one I sold (original from Lever unfired with bayonet and 5rd mag) was for $525 so I guess it depends on the condition and how badly it's wanted. Have sold lightly used ones for around $425. There's still a couple on the EE. As Norseman says, they're not made anymore.
I would keep it stock and save the $ for getting a cz858
One of the things that makes the sks so cool is its incredible reliability under all conditions and abuses.
You could drag it up a mountain on a rope tied to an ATV and it would be fine.
you any to sell me for $200 ?

you of all people should know about market forces , more buyers than sellers , prices move up . :D

My first semi-auto was an SKS-D, bought at Epps about 7 years ago for $220. I put my greed aside to sell it to a new shooter 2 years ago for what I paid. Problem with citing market forces is that you didn't mention we aren't exactly an open market like the US of A. Put an SKS D up against the civillian available AK's, which are at the same price point as some Canadian SKS-D's,and the SKS-D goes back to being a $200 gun.I think the appeal is in the AK mags, no the gun itself. I still have a few SKS's but I prefer to shoot my Chinese Military model on account of the hold-open after the last round and an overall better fit of the parts. My SKS-D is sweet, but a $500 gun it aint'
Problem with citing market forces is that you didn't mention we aren't exactly an open market like the US of A. Put an SKS D up against the civillian available AK's, which are at the same price point as some Canadian SKS-D's,and the SKS-D goes back to being a $200 gun.

im sorry , i fail to see your point cos in the land of the "open market" they have SKS-D over there and they are not selling for $200 , not even close . some are even higher than here . :confused:
For the rifle with a couple of mags, around $400. Ammo? good question, depends on what and how much...

people usually ask about 500 dollars for a "d model
It's funny cause it is all about supply and demand , I bought mine for 300 a couple years ago , its just an sks that takes an ak mag.
Ak mags are 80 bucks!! If you ask me a d model is not worth it for that price.
If you want something that takes a banana mag get a cz 858 , they shoot better and mags are cheaper.
im sorry , i fail to see your point cos in the land of the "open market" they have SKS-D over there and they are not selling for $200 , not even close . some are even higher than here . :confused:

Last time I checked (Last month visiting the fam) I could buy an SKS-M in Tennessee for $285 and an AK for $575. I agreed in principal about the market forces on price but the Canadian market for SKS-D's is a little crazy.People there don't want something that looks like the real deal and accepts the real mags when they can have the genuine article for a reasonable price.
Im a big fan of the "D"
I think you are far better off forking over a few extra bucks for one instead of converting a regular sks to accept tapco 20 & 30 rnd mags (if thats the look / style you're going for). I've found that set up to be less than a perfect design to say the least.
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