
Press Release
On Monday November 28th we will be launching our brand new E-commerce website. With our new sight you will be able to browse our inventory and make your purchases online 24hrs a day 7 days a week. With the addition of our new site you will be able to:
• Check what we have instock online in real time
• Get more detailed descriptions and better pictures
• Search
• Sign up for our newsletter
• Access articles on firearms and related topics
• Easily check our latest sales and specials and most importantly ....
We look forward to receiving your feedback.


Your new site is awesome, i spent over an hour just pouring over your products offered for sale. Great job.
Great site, I spend about an hour browsing stuff.

Only 1 question:

When I checkout, it charges me PST and QST (I'm from QC). Shouldn't I be charged only PST? This is mostly why I shop oustide QC :)
Rivalen Great site, I spend about an hour browsing stuff.

Only 1 question:

When I checkout, it charges me PST and QST (I'm from QC). Shouldn't I be charged only PST? This is mostly why I shop oustide QC

I noticed this as well when my first order from QC came through, I am manually taking the PST off at this end.
awesome new site, i have only purchased one item from you guys. there will be more soon since i can look at pics and whatnot
I noticed this as well when my first order from QC came through, I am manually taking the PST off at this end.

Great site, I spend about an hour browsing stuff.

Only 1 question:

When I checkout, it charges me PST and QST (I'm from QC). Shouldn't I be charged only PST? This is mostly why I shop oustide QC :)

The website now correctly calculates only the GST for Quebec residents. Not the PST.
Incomplete sites drive me nuts. If you're going to have a site, do it right. You're missing way to many product pictures. This makes your site look rushed and makes you look cheap.
I like the new site , way easier to find stuff. I have bought from them before and will continue to do so in the future . great service , great people to deal with .
so how do we know whats in stock and whats not in stock?

Everything listed on the site where you can "add to cart" is instock. If the qty is greater then what we have instock the website will let you know. The site is not set up for taking back orders, for items that we do not have in stock please call our sales staf.
Where is the USED section ?

Everything listed on the site where you can "add to cart" is instock. If the qty is greater then what we have instock the website will let you know. The site is not set up for taking back orders, for items that we do not have in stock please call our sales staf.

So you don't sell used firearms any more ? :confused:
I hate the new sight. Before I could click on a price list....example Armalite. And see everything. HK, I get a complete price list, same as Sig.

I liked being to access the .PDF price list. Qik ad Easy. I have gone to your website twice now.....and quickly left. I used to be so easy to browse, I would stay on 20 minutes browsing the display packages and specials.
I hate the new sight. Before I could click on a price list....example Armalite. And see everything. HK, I get a complete price list, same as Sig.

I liked being to access the .PDF price list. Qik ad Easy. I have gone to your website twice now.....and quickly left. I used to be so easy to browse, I would stay on 20 minutes browsing the display packages and specials.

I hear you and I agree with you. Our big problem is keeping our price lists updated. Let me explain a little, when Dannie updates a price list “in house” it automatically goes to all of our computers and into the accounts program, this means that our e-commerce site reflects the latest price instantly and the price list that we access on our computers when we answer phone calls and attach to e-mails is current. It will mean extra work for Ryan to take that corrected price list and change the price list on the web page, we are overworked right now and do not need anything extra.

With the e-commerce site our plan is only to show what is in stock except with our exclusive lines such as Schmidt & Bender, Accuracy International and Rob Arms etc where we plan to have the full range listed even if we our out of stock of some items. This of course means that you cannot access a full price list, I am not sure what the best solution will be but we are certainly aware of it and we are constantly working to improve the site.

At least for the present time please e-mail Sales@wolverinesupplies.com with a request for current price list for the product line you are interested in and we will send them to you.

The new web site has given us a steep learning curve, please keep the comments coming, without them we cannot work to improve our service.
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