Federal 12ga 00 Buck ammo cans!


Ordering now! And I don't even need that much Buck shot... But the book I'm reading about saving says to never pass up good deals with high joy to cost ratios!
Edit: found it!

Bought, wish I could afford more, GREAT DEAL thank you. Was so excited I forgot to check if you had anything else I wanted :D
what Jacko said but these will come in real handy when the KSG arrives...and at pricing equivalent to our south neighbours...how can you go wrong?
sold out!

We have lots more on order from EVERY importer. However, as we were not even expecting this batch, we cannot give approx dates for delivery.

Will you be getting slugs in as well?
I wanted to order one, was in my cart, proceeded and then it said the item was removed from inventory....oh well, next time I guess.
I ordered a box about just over an hour ago.

The system appeared to have taken my order, I hope I managed to get my order in on time!

No wonder they sold out so quickly, what a great! I'm sure it takes a lot of hard work to find and offer us "Smokin" ammo deals like this.

Keep up the hard work TSE, we CGN'ers need deals like this to 'feed' our 'toys'!

I'll be keeping an eye on your site more now for sure.

EDIT! - Whew, I received confirmation of my order for one can shortly after I posted the above. Thanks again TSE.
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