why no more M14 AKM chassis?


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
As a dedicated riflesmith for the m14 platform, I get about 2 requests minimum per week about availlability of SAGE, TROY or AKM chassis stocks.

Will we ever see the AKM chassis stock again? And if the company went under, are their cnc programs for sale?
Who else wants to see the AKM chassis availlable again?

"Will we ever see the AKM chassis stock again?"
We are discussing it with a couple of large shops to see what they can for us....

"And if the company went under, are their cnc programs for sale? "
Yes we were offered the program for $20K, a bit much

Thanx for the quick reply John.
Would be great to see you guys carry these or similar chassis down the road ;)
Thanx for the quick reply John.
Would be great to see you guys carry these or similar chassis down the road ;)


I am pretty sure if the doc is asking it may be a good idea .................. I may want him to build me one.
I'm thinkin 20,000.00 would not be all that steep if you could presell a run of 200 or more. It would take that many to actually get into the profit zone..... Ya, maybe yer right John, 20K is a bit steep in our market. Now if they could be US export liscenced..... 20K doesn't look too bad.... But what do I know :D :D
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