SHOT SHOW 2012: F&D Defence FD308


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We came across these rifles on the last day. We were intrigued by the way they mated the upper receiver to the rail. The barrel is held by the rail and there is no barrel nut involved. It reminds me of the way Daniel Defence attaches their rails to the recievers, but F&D carried the concept further and machined the bolt receptacle to the upper receiver directly. The charging handle is very smooth as it rides on a electroless nickelled rail. The price point is at about 3000ish.

The company is a one-man shop and the owner claimed to be doing everything from design to running the CNC himself. The rifles on the table had been put through 3000-4000 rounds each. It will be interesting to see where these will go in the future.



Cool. Would love to see a video of this in action.
Is this an AR variant? Non-res perhaps???????
Nice!... Non-restricted ?? perhaps? Its a oputward appearing AR 10 ish, but the uppers and lowers won't work cosmetically or functionally with AR upper and lowers. :) :)
although they do take parts that are standard.
Nice!... Non-restricted ?? perhaps? Its a oputward appearing AR 10 ish, but the uppers and lowers won't work cosmetically or functionally with AR upper and lowers. :) :)
although they do take parts that are standard.

doubt it but that guy would become very successful very quickly if that was the case for sure. I would buy one.
Unfortunatley it looks like it is on a standardish 308 AR lower which is the legal firearm so it would probably be restricted. Although if some Canadian company wanted to mate that upper to another non restricted lower(probably something completley new) you could probably squeeze a non restricted classification out of it. Just my opinion, but damn that is a ###y rifle.
Looks like an Awesome firearm! Machining and function looks to be very well done.

Obviously will be restricted as a variant... Don't kid yourselves guys, if the RCMP makes a .22 AK47 clone prohibited, they WILL restrict this thing. I'd still buy one anyways :D
Looks like an Awesome firearm! Machining and function looks to be very well done.

Obviously will be restricted as a variant... Don't kid yourselves guys, if the RCMP makes a .22 AK47 clone prohibited, they WILL restrict this thing. I'd still buy one anyways :D

The RCMP needs to no longer be in charge of making the rules. They are supposed to be an enforcment agency.
Just like the XCR, although the lower has certain similarities with an AR-15 lower, it is NOT a standard AR-15 design. So I think there is a chance this could be non-res.
Just like the XCR, although the lower has certain similarities with an AR-15 lower, it is NOT a standard AR-15 design. So I think there is a chance this could be non-res.

Although there is a chance, its extremely small, I would literally say 1 in a million. Things like the Bolt head and barrel extension CANNOT be interchangeable with the AR15, now this gun has a very interesting way of clamping the barrel down with the handguard, but it could still use a normal AR10 barrel extension and bolt head. If that's the case those ALONE would classify it as an AR10 variant.

If they use a completely proprietary barrel extension and bolt, and NONE of the parts save for buffer tube maybe, there is still just a slim chance of it, and the company would need to bend over backwards in its literature and advertising...

Then there's the fact that it does look like an AR10... Would be exceedingly difficult to get it classified as non restricted. And then on top of that, what's to say the RCMP couldn't just go and change their mind and classify it as an AR10 variant? The XCR got off because it WAS literally built from the ground up, everything about it is different than an AR15.

The RCMP needs to no longer be in charge of making the rules. They are supposed to be an enforcment agency.

And THIS would be the only way to do it. Get someone either pro-gun or completely neutral to do the classifications, and completely remove the RCMP's ability to classify, determine AND interpret a guns FRT status. Keep them as a law enforcement agency, NOT a law making and enforcing agency!
An ACR uses a modified AR barrel, with an AR15 extension, uses AR15 magazines and trigger. It is non-restricted with the appropriate barrel length.

If the upper and lower on the FD308 do not mate to a conventional AR10 upper, or lower, and the charging mechanism, and the bolt are different, which it appear to be from looking at the website, than perhaps there is a good chance of NR status. It would appear that only the barrel, LPK, and stock and grip, could be used on a AR10. Is that enough to make restricted?

The rifle is marked .308 and can be ordered with a 20" barrel, so we should be able to import it.
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