Offensive video

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If it was done without permission, who let them in. who set up the range , rented the guns, ammo etc, bit confused here I am.

I wonder if the one of the employee there are associated with the bunch in the video. The Ontario Provincial Police lead the Guns and Gang Unit they will investigate the employees.
Waving guns like that! It won't be long before they have "The real Gangster Limp" remember these guys think it's cool to pretend they have been shot in the foot.

TSE shame on you these are guns your selling not big macs.

FYI. I clipped this from there site, the video must represent one of their new shooting styles.

We are proud to offer:

A very modern, clean, safe indoor shooting range capable of accommodating numerous calibres and styles of shooting disciplines.

This is coupled with a well stocked retail / pro-shop area.

P.S. can you post video from the ranges camera system?
was going through "camoflauge's" other youtube videos and liberally applying the dislike button

in some of the comments you see that his followers are noticing all the sudden dislikes

we haterz now
Such rap crap, the 2 mother Fu@kers can't sing if there life depended on making a livivg on it. Lip sink , singing. I'm going to make sure that these guys arn't allowed at my range, or to join the club. Their pictures will be kept in file. As for TS, you guy's have a hot potato on your hands, with the video set in You-Tube. All the best, hope things work out for you guy's in the end.
I'm disgusted with what was allowed to happen at this facility! I've been sitting here shaking my head for the last ten minutes. What kind of ship are you guys running?

Given that this occured before you were even registered on this site, perhaps you could tone the comments down to civil please?
i admit, my head was bobbing ti the trick beats and sample. not as much class as choclaire but not bad. i really think that anybody with an ounce o editing capabilities can use soke creative editing and camera work to turn something as innocuos as a day at the range into what seems to be illegal activities.

remember that paper mache and cardboard tank video edited in adobe premiere... same thing.

perhaps i dont grasp the gravity of the situation due to its locale in toronto... but really.. much ad about nothing. theyve changed their policies. their employees have been reprimanded... what else do u ppl want
Kudos to TSE and JR for being upfront.

Dear Customers and friends of Target Sports Canada,

You should be aware this video was filmed without Target Sports' permission and without the knowledge that the footage would be used in a video that in our opinion glorifies gangs and gang violence.

While Target Sports respects the rights of everyone to free expression and choice of lifestyle, those freedoms cannot be at the expense of others.

Target Sports deeply regrets any offence this video may give and emphatically states that we do not support gangs or a gang lifestyle.

Further, viewers should be aware that this video potentially infringes copyright and may constitute defamatory statements. The posting of this video has cost Target Sports and its owners both monetarily and personally for loss of reputation.

The makers of this video agreed in late 2011 they would remove the video from public view and would not post it again, and they have now breached this promise. As such, Target Sports is evaluating taking legal steps to remove the video and recover losses from the publishers, makers and stars of the video.

If you are going to go watch the video we would strongly rquest that you "dislike" the video and both write a negative comment and "flag" the video as inappropriate.


Target Sports Canada

To put this matter in perspective:

This video first surfaced in March of 2011. It was filmed on a camera that looked (after review of security cameras) like a simple SLR in late 2010.

A licensed "member" brought in guests and was supposedly showing firearms in the classroom attached to our “B” range.

Since this surfaced, the member has been expelled and all of the staff and management involved that day were harshly dealt with.

We spent about $20,000 in 2011 in legal costs to get it pulled and to get the originator to "promise" to not every show it again.

Unfortunately he simply edited the video and re-released it 9 months later.

We are once again pursuing our legal options and are going to get not only the video dealt with but the originators as well.

We work very hard every day to present a professional clean and family oriented environment to the hundreds of new shooters we get though here every week. This whole mess makes me sick to my stomach.


It was done in your store, on your range and with your merchandise. Hard to hide behind the "It was done without our knowledge" statement. Sorry. Don't believe you.

After reading the various responses from TSE/TSC I have to say I am now a believer in how this could have been done without their knowledge. Does not excuse the staff of that day for not being more vigilant, but certainly does not mean that JR let this happen with his blessings.

I am glad that the member in question was expelled and that "management involved that day were harshly dealt with".

For being as open and transparent as you are regarding this whole situation I commend you and will retract any and all negative statements I have made about this issue.

Good luck in your fight with YouTube and these wannabe gangstas. Hope you sue them back in to the stoneage.

For being open, honest, upfront and transparent about the situation and not getting flustered in the face of many attacks (including mine) I offer my apologies and greatest respect for being a man with integrity and honour.

With Greatest Respect,

To all,

I accept full responsibility for my staff and management.

All of the harsh criticisms are heard loud and clear.

It is my strongest desire that such a failing of common sense and judgement will never surface from me or my team again.

In saying that, I believe this thread has run it’s course and I am going to lock it down.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please send me a PM.


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